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Vision HERO

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Been looking at the Vision HERO archetype and trying to come up with some extra support for it.
Here's some initial ideas;

Double Vision
Normal Trap Card
If a Vision Hero monster is targeted for an attack or card effect: You can place that monster in a spell/trap zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap; Special summon a Vision Hero monster with a different name from your spell/trap zone and change the target to it. Banish this card from the GY, except the turn it was sent there; Place 1 Vision Hero monster from your hand or GY face-up in your spell/trap zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap. You can only activate 1 effect of "Double Vision" once per turn and only once that turn.

Vision Reflection
Quick-Play Spell
Shuffle a face-up Vision HERO in the spell/trap zone back into the deck; This card's effect becomes the activated effect of that target, as if it had been successfully special summoned from the spell/trap zone. You can only activate the effect of 'Vision Reflection' once per turn.

And an idea to convert at least one of Manga Edo Phoenix's Manga cards;
Normal Trap
If a monster you control is targeted for an attack: Switch the target to one Vision HERO monster you control. If it is destroyed by this battle, place it face-up in a spell/trap zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap, instead of sending it to the GY.

Let me know what you think

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  On 5/28/2023 at 5:51 AM, TwilightEndKnight said:

Been looking at the Vision HERO archetype and trying to come up with some extra support for it.
Here's some initial ideas;

Double Vision
Normal Trap Card
If a Vision HERO you control is targeted for an attack or card effect, you can place that HERO from your field, face-up onto a Spell and Trap Zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap. Then, special summon a different Vision HERO from the Spell and Trap Zone. It becomes the new target.
Banish this card from the GY; except the turn it was sent there, to place one Vision HERO in your hand or GY onto a Spell and Trap Zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap.
You can only activate either effect of 'Double Vision' once per turn. 

This one is really cool, but there's some wording issues. For example, does this only trigger when a Vision Hero monster is targeted or can it trigger if your Vision Hero treated as a continuous trap is targeted?

Vision Reflection
Quick-Play Spell
Shuffle a Vision HERO treated as a Continuous Trap from the Spell and Trap Zone back into the deck, then treat this card’s effect as the effect of that target, as if successfully special summoned from the Spell and Trap Zone.
You can only activate this effect once per turn.

Also good, but has the same wording issues as the previous one.

And an idea to convert at least one of Manga Edo Phoenix's Manga cards;
Normal Trap
Activate when a monster you control is targeted for an attack. Switch the target to one Vision HERO monster you control. If it is destroyed by this battle, place it face-up in a Spell and Trap Zone and treat it as a Continuous Spell, instead of sending it to the GY.

Also good.

Let me know what you think

Overall good cards, but Vision Heroes simply don't have enough monsters to be their own deck. So I recommend making a few monsters next if you want them to be good.


In addition to the above feedback, there's also the matter of PSCT (Problem Solving Card Text). Here's a quick guide to PSCT:
1. Activation condition comes first, followed by a colon. Ex: If a Vision Hero monster is targeted for an attack or card effect: is a condition.

2. Next is Cost followed by a semi-colon. Ex: You can place that monster in a spell/trap zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap; is a cost.

3. Finally, is the effect itself. Ex: Special summon a Vision Hero with a different name from your spell/trap zone and change the target to it. is the effect

So putting this all together, the text for Double Vision becomes:

 If a Vision Hero monster is targeted for an attack or card effect: You can place that monster in a spell/trap zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap; Special summon a Vision Hero monster with a different name from your spell/trap zone and change the target to it. Banish this card from the GY, except the turn it was sent there; Place 1 Vision Hero monster from your hand or GY face-up in your spell/trap zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap. You can only activate 1 effect of "Double Vision" once per turn and only once that turn.

Or you can write the first effect without a cost as follows:

 If a Vision Hero monster is targeted for an attack or card effect: You can place that monster in a spell/trap zone and treat it as a Continuous Trap, then special summon a Vision Hero monster with a different name from your spell/trap zone and change the target to it.

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Yeah considering the mechanics of Vision Hero I did find wording it a bit awkward, on top of still trying to fully understand PSCT. So thank you for that clarification.

I think the former write-up for Double Vision makes more sense.

I'll have a go at re-wording Vision Reflection.

I wish Vision HEROs were a more rounded out archetype and will brainstorm some monster ideas for future. Though happy if anyone gets any ideas to add them to this thread.

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