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Cloudian Extra Deck


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I always found Cloudians to be really cool, but as usual Konami leaves the most fun and cool ideas either incomplete or borderline unplayable, so I decided to create some Cloudian extra deck monsters to help them out a little. I don't think these cards are enough to make them good, but it should at least become a playable deck. Also the art is all AI generated so that's why some of it might not match the Cloudian theme:



This one is based on the Mammatus clouds, which are these pocket-like formations on the bottom of a cloud. She's rank 1 so she can be summoned with cloud balls, and encourages using more than 2 materials since she distributes counters equal to her materials. The extra normal summon is to speed up the Cloudian gameplan a little.


Cloudian - Mammatus

Water / Rank 1

Fairy / Xyz / Effect

2+ Level 1 Fairy monsters
This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, destroy it. When this card is Xyz summoned, distribute Fog Counters equal to the number of materials it has. Once per turn, you can detach 1 material from this card; normal summon 1 "Cloudian" monster in addition to your normal summon/set.



This is based on Contrails, the streaks of white condensation that follows aircrafts. Just like the one before, she can be summoned with smoke balls and distributes Fog Counters. Her effect that let your Cloudians attack directly is because Cloudians have low ATK and can't do anything if the opponent has monsters that can't be removed.


Cloudian - Contrailus

Water / Rank 1

Fairy / Xyz / Effect

2+ Level 1 Fairy monsters
This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, destroy it. When this card is Xyz summoned, distribute Fog Counters equal to the number of materials it has. Once per turn, you can detach 1 material from this card; "Cloudian" monsters you control can attack directly this turn.



Blizzard is meant to weaken your opponent's monsters so they can be removed more easily. I also made it pretty easy to summon since Cloudians desperately need more ways to more consistently use their Fog Counters. The negate and attack decrease are in-line with the "freezing" theme, which is why I chose Blizzard for this card.


Cloudian - Blizzard

Water / Rank 4

Fairy / Xyz / Effect

2+ Level 4 Fairy monsters
You can also Xyz summon this card by using a Rank 1 "Cloudian" monster you control as material. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, destroy it. When this card is Xyz summoned, distribute Fog Counters equal to the number of materials it has. Once per turn, you can detach 1 material from this card and remove any number of fog counters from your opponent's monsters; negate the effect of any monster a Fog Counter was removed from, then reduce their ATK by the number of removed counters x 300, then this card gains that much ATK. These changes last until the end of the next turn.



Tornado is the finisher for this deck. I got the idea from seeing updraft and similar cards that remove Fog Counters to burn.


Cloudian - Tornado

Water / Rank 4

Fairy / Xyz / Effect

2+ Level 4 Fairy monsters
You can also Xyz summon this card by using a Rank 1 "Cloudian" monster you control as material. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, destroy it. When this card is Xyz summoned, distribute Fog Counters equal to the number of materials it has. Once per turn, you can detach 1 material from this card and remove any number of Fog Counters from your opponent's monsters; Destroy any monster that had a Fog Counter removed from it, then deal 300 damage to your opponent for each removed Fog Counter.


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