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Memorable Quotes/Moments


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Think of any quotes you like that can bring positives, wise moments, or badass words of wisdom. Or recall one of your best memories in games or otherwise! This is a space to just chillax and do simple stuff like quote giving out or to think of good times!

I'll go first:

You said you have a dream… That dream… Make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it will become your truth! If anyone can, it's you! Well, then… Farewell!" ~ N, Pokemon Black and White

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"All Duelists aim for the top...its like trying to climb a mountain no one's ever climbed before, all alone. Solitary climbers...you may be right about that. But...without fail, our footsteps make way for our rivals...we aren't lonely. Yes, the goal is noble and isolated, thats what makes us want to reach it. Just like all of the duelists of the D1 Grand Prix, me included, made you our goal" 

Yusei Fudo to Jack Atlas Special Side Story Part 2(Tiny Bit Paraphrased)

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