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Ghost Rare & Holoing Request

Mew 101

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Text On Graphic: None


Sub-Text On Graphic: None


Images For Graphic:

Mew's Fossil




Size Of Graphic: The curent size the card is now.


Type Of Graphic: Ghost Rare & Holoing


Requested Artist: None


Other Comments: I am basicly asking for a Ghost Rare virsion of this card that is holoed. I want the holo to be on the card image ONLY! I would perfer the same kind of holoing that is used in the actual card, but whatever you can do wil be ok. also, please don't lock because I want to see sevral virsions with diffrent holos, or if someone can get me the card holoed with the type of holo I wouuld like but isn't the 1st person to makee it.

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Guest KAJN

A ghost rare can be made by increasing the opacity of the holosheet and adding a super rare effect to the rendered monster but the monster must also be hologramed effected too.

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Guest KAJN

Sorry I didn't realize you wanted it to be a card so here are 2 copies. I would suggest to take the second one but it's your choice.


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