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bored so fnf card


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15 minutes ago, Aetherium said:

any suggestions for edits?


So, before I start, I’ll tell ya this before Nyx gets onto you for it. you posted this in card game workshop. Custom cards need to be posted in casual cards, or something of the sort.

Now the actual card is cool ,however, for a level 6 monster, it’s ATK/DEF is really high. Usually ATK/DEF points like this are found in massive high level monsters like Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, D/D/D Doom King Armageddon, etc. like the actual effect though! It’s basic but I like gambling cards and we don’t get those super often anymore.

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2 minutes ago, Kokoroshi said:

So, before I start, I’ll tell ya this before Nyx gets onto you for it. you posted this in card game workshop. Custom cards need to be posted in casual cards, or something of the sort.

Now the actual card is cool ,however, for a level 6 monster, it’s ATK/DEF is really high. Usually ATK/DEF points like this are found in massive high level monsters like Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, D/D/D Doom King Armageddon, etc. like the actual effect though! It’s basic but I like gambling cards and we don’t get those super often anymore.

ok thx an i'm still figuring out the site so thx for tellin me an i based the effect on the game their from

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I would like to suggest a minor change in the effect since it is a dice effect.


Roll a six-sided die: Destroy a number of monsters on the field equal to the result.


Since the Extra Monster Zone exists, you can technically hit 6 of your opponent's monsters. This isn't a full on Raigeki or Burst Stream since it depends on a die result. But it is sure to destroy at least one monster.

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