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New DeathNote cards

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I'll suggest some corrections in the cards.


[spell Card Continuous]

[spell Card Continuous

[justify]As long as this card remains face-up on the field' date=' your opponent must show you his/her hand during each of his/her End Phases. You must pay 100 Life Points for each Spell/Trap Card in your opponent's hand. In addition, you must pay 500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you do not, this card is destroyed.[/justify']

That'll make it normal. And now the next one.


[spell Card Continuous]

[spell Card Continuous

[align=justify]After three turns' date=' counting from the start of your opponent's turn, you can activate one of the following effects:


[*]Put a Spell Counter on this card during each of your End Phases. Remove 3 Spell Counters from this card to halve the total damage done to you during your opponent's Battle Phase.

[*]Remove this card from play. Search your deck for 1 "Kira" or "L" and Special Summon it onto the field in Attack Position. Then shuffle your deck.[/align]

Kira Lv10 is too overpowered, even for 10 Level Stars. Here:



[Human/Effect] Attr: DARK (remember' date=' [i']he[/i] isn't a Shinigami)

[justify]This card cannot be destroyed as a result of battle as long as it is in face-up Attack Position. Whenever this card deals Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points, he/she must discard 1 card at random from his/her hand.[/justify]

ATK/ 1000 DEF/ 3000

Remember, I'm just suggesting :P It's up to you whether to change or not.

I'll give a [7.5/10]. The pics are good.

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