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  On 9/4/2023 at 4:24 PM, Raikoh130 said:

Yeah, Windows 11 is not good. They need to do a lot of fixing before I upgrade.


I would suggest to you try out some Linux Distros in a Virtual Machine or install them on an Old Laptop/Desktop no one is using I will provide more information in our DM. Yeah I don't think that's going to happen with Windows 11 is going to get any better they only care about cramming as much ads as they can.

Edited by Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan
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  On 1/8/2024 at 6:31 PM, cr47t said:

@Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan the bar at the bottom is different, but i don't know how. this isn't really my lvl of expertise so idk if i should even comment here but w/e


Yeah that and the enter taskbar at the bottom of the screen is bigger and looks different from the image shown above (Windows 10), and the image that is shown at the bottom is running a worse operating system (Windows 11) that my family said I'm not allowed to uninstall.

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  On 1/8/2024 at 8:28 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:





Now who can spot and tell me the difference between these 2 images? @Raikoh130 @cr47t @Horu and no Horu before you ask I did not choose to use or install Windows 11 I have a new Laptop I think Raikoh can give you the details.


Windows 11 from 10 differences: No Search Bar, No Weather on the bottom right. Battery on the right. Looks lazy.

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  On 1/9/2024 at 2:59 AM, Raikoh130 said:

Windows 11 from 10 differences: No Search Bar, No Weather on the bottom right. Battery on the right. Looks lazy.


Yeah can you believe that like Windows 10 was already not as good as Windows 7 and prior it was a good/decent OS depending who you ask like why the fuck did they have the need to make this even shitter OS I don't get it on top of that they full more rotting pile of shit Windows 11 has 2 taskbars and right-click context menus.

So pretty much it wasn't necessary and nobody absolutely nobody to my understanding ask for this but Microsoft being Microsoft and stupid idiots created us an not just 1 but many replacements for parts of the UI such as the taskbar making it unusable adding more unnecessary changes and making us go out of our way to do stuff that we didn't have to do in the past Windows 11 you have to do extra clicks also everything looks like its been made by a fucking tattler and it looks like its made for a fucking ass mobile device as always Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has to ruin everything for everyone and they wonder why so many people who never would have make any thoughts about switching to Linux or even remotely caring about it drives people even more pissed of and angered by Microsoft's continuous downhill decisions with "Modern Windows" OSes if this where the Windows XP Era or even the Windows 7 Era you would have been labelled a "Weirdo", "A Freak that lives in his mother's basement and has no friends or girlfriend", "Nerd", etc but now that most people are aware that Windows reached its peak back in 2009 with Windows 7 and it wasn't going to get any better after Windows 7 or if you can look anything past 7 than Windows 10 otherwise than you would be right.

Support for Windows 7 ended January 14th, 2020 and its ESU Updates ended 3 years later on January 10th, 2023 and Windows 8.1 lasted only 9 years not the usual 10 years and 3 months not popular enough I guess... so Microsoft thought well we might as well cut support for that OS as well... but now what happens next year in October 14th, 2025 when Windows 10 goes EOL that's right there's going to be a huge fucking disaster since Microsoft are fucking greedy pigs and won't lower the system requires for Windows 11 not like that OS is any good nor will they being doing it for 12 the exact opposite will happen also Windows 10 ESU Program is not free you have to pay $$$ for those updates and 2025 is simply going to be the year of "The biggest E-Waste in Tech History" and not for any good reason I might add cause Microsoft and their partners want more money and they want to keep you upgrading now alot of people are now more aware of Linux more than ever Windows is going to be more Dystopian the future of that OS looks to be bleak while Linux couldn't have gotten more popular at a better time I plan on eventually dumping Windows 11 all together in favour of Linux but I can't right now my family will flip the fuck out maybe in the future I can see if I can if they will let me but for now I'm going to have to suffer with this shitty OS for now.

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God Damn I hate Windows 11 so fucking much! Damn just look at how big the UI elements are on a Laptop.









This ugly piece of shit also sucks up so much of my ram look @Horu this is another reason not to use Windows 11 just stick to Windows 10 LTSC till 2032 it is supported till 2032 no need to jump to Windows 11 you really aren't missing out on much by skipping this release of Windows plus its best to not use Windows 11 anyways I hope to jump off this shitty OS anyways.

Edited by Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan
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  On 2/21/2024 at 3:38 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

God Damn I hate Windows 11 so fucking much! Damn just look at how big the UI elements are on a Laptop.









This ugly piece of shit also sucks up so much of my ram look @Horu this is another reason not to use Windows 11 just stick to Windows 10 LTSC till 2032 it is supported till 2032 no need to jump to Windows 11 you really aren't missing out on much by skipping this release of Windows plus its best to not use Windows 11 anyways I hope to jump off this shitty OS anyways.


Windows 10 is now supported to 2032 instead of 2025?

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  On 2/23/2024 at 2:25 AM, Horu said:

What is your setup with 11? It looks nice.

@Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan


Its simple and the bare minimal of customizations:

  1. I changed the wallpaper to that of a Windows Anime Girl OS-Tan Chiivistan
  2. I changed the accent colour to a teal colour
  3. I enabled accent colours on the taskbar

All 3 of these things are quite easy to do and no Windows 11 is ugly I absolutely, also I sent you a message did you look at it today not on this site though.

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  On 2/23/2024 at 3:04 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Its simple and the bare minimal of customizations:

  1. I changed the wallpaper to that of a Windows Anime Girl OS-Tan Chiivistan
  2. I changed the accent colour to a teal colour
  3. I enabled accent colours on the taskbar

All 3 of these things are quite easy to do and no Windows 11 is ugly I absolutely, also I sent you a message did you look at it today not on this site though.


Haven't gotten a chance

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@Kokoroshi @Horu @Raikoh130 @LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow @cr47t


You know what that's it I'm just gonna do it I'm going to install Linux and done listening to the fake stories that people tell me I'm just going to install Linux on this Laptop so I'm making the jump from Windows to Linux, but I've been observing Linux and the Distros I wanna run for quite a while now I've lernt how to feel comfortable with Linux via VMs and YouTube.

The Distro I picked is Pop!_OS this will be my first time switching one of my devices from bare metal Windows to Linux I will try it out on one Device for now and I will do the other devices when I feel comfortable.


Yeah I'm getting pretty sick and tried of running Windows 11 and oh this is not a screenshot I took btw I will leave a link to the Pop!_OS website https://pop.system76.com/

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  On 2/25/2024 at 9:29 AM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

@Kokoroshi @Horu @Raikoh130 @LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow @cr47t


You know what that's it I'm just gonna do it I'm going to install Linux and done listening to the fake stories that people tell me I'm just going to install Linux on this Laptop so I'm making the jump from Windows to Linux, but I've been observing Linux and the Distros I wanna run for quite a while now I've lernt how to feel comfortable with Linux via VMs and YouTube.

The Distro I picked is Pop!_OS this will be my first time switching one of my devices from bare metal Windows to Linux I will try it out on one Device for now and I will do the other devices when I feel comfortable.


Yeah I'm getting pretty sick and tried of running Windows 11 and oh this is not a screenshot I took btw I will leave a link to the Pop!_OS website https://pop.system76.com/


Who's saying all these fake stories?

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  On 2/26/2024 at 8:25 PM, Neo-R. said:



Nice Desktop like the Background, now take a look at these and yes before you guys ask I downgraded back to Windows 10 I think where back, also @Neo-R. How do your screenshots look so clear compared to mine I know your not just hitting Windows Key + PrtScr to get them to look that good so what's your secret tell me. Also I can tell your using an HP Laptop.



Yes @Raikoh130 @Horu This is a fresh install of Windows 10 that I just did today, unfortunately me and Windows 11 had to part ways (on the laptop only!) not on any other PCs I fucking hate Windows 11 but I totally forgot that Windows 10 with its updates is also having problems in 2024 they have still not fixed this shit why the fuck not!

Don't worry I'm gonna try out Pop!_OS in March I will use it till April than decide from on there what I wanna do next.

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  On 2/27/2024 at 5:57 PM, Neo-R. said:

This is exactly what I do. Windows button + PrintScreen. Nothing more. It has the resolution of my screen


Oh okay ah its the site that is lowering the quality of my images damn :(, also @Neo-R. I would advise you not to upgrade to the shitty Windows 11 Operating System its a fucking mess over there not just the system requirements, its the features that they decided to cut they where good features, also they keep adding in their bad features I really despise like the Windows 11 Start menu and Taskbar.

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  On 2/27/2024 at 6:08 PM, Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan said:

Oh okay ah its the site that is lowering the quality of my images damn :(, also @Neo-R. I would advise you not to upgrade to the shitty Windows 11 Operating System its a fucking mess over there not just the system requirements, its the features that they decided to cut they where good features, also they keep adding in their bad features I really despise like the Windows 11 Start menu and Taskbar.


As long as my laptop is working good, I will not, trust me.

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