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Zinform archetype cards (more to come)

Chu The Shooting star

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these cards look like Surgay's cards when he dueled yuya, like these:879215254_Screenshot2023-01-0712_32_56PM.png.9ad18b325080595895c41ecf7591c23d.png820807565_Screenshot2023-01-0712_33_17PM.png.d0d0c00322ce7fc7f185febc61cd7aa7.png

Zinform Woemore

A:dark   Type:fiend

Level:4   1400\1200

When this card is in your hand you can banish one other "Zinform" monster in your hand to special summon this card. When a spell involving cards removed from play is activated your opponent must send one card from their extra deck to the graveyard.

Zinform Maracasa

A:dark T:Fiend

Level:2  100\1000

When this card is removed from play you can target one monster on the field, that card is banished and you gain half that monsters defence points as life points.

Zinform vainbiz


A:dark  T:Fiend\Fusion

Level:7  1000\1200

when this card is summoned you can target 3 "Zinform" monsters removed from play. this card gains all those monsters attack points and your opponent can only summon level 4 or higher monsters when this card is on the field. if this card is destroyed in battle then you can target one card on the field. next turn that card is banished. when this card is destroyed it is removed from play.

crazed Fusion


you can target 2 cards removed from play and use them to Fusion summon.


You can target up to 3 cards in your graveyard. for each card targeted your opponent takes 300 points of damage.then the cards are removed from play and for each Zinform monster removed from play you can summon 1 level 3 or below Zinform monster. 

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Hey, this is actually pretty nice. Just a heads up: "Removed from play" is an old term that is not used anymore. Use banish all the time. Banish Banish Banish.

The cards are relatively well balanced, I don't see important issues. Probably the one that tilts to be too powerful is the last one, Zin-Removal, as it is an easy 1200 damage without HOPT (Hard Once per turn Clause) which means you could easily inflict 3600 dmg to your opponent since the banished cards have no requirement (generic), then each time you use this you can summon up to 3 of the archetypal mons for too many combos. It definitely needs the HOPT.

@The Nyx Avatar banishing left and right, just like the doctor recommended xD. And you can see in this thread an example of what I told you just some minutes ago  n.n

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On 1/7/2023 at 1:10 PM, Rayfield Lumina said:

tilts to be too powerful is the last one, Zin-Removal, as it is an easy 1200 damage without HOPT (Hard Once per turn Clause) which means you could easily inflict 3600 dmg to your opponent since the banished cards have no requirement (generic), then each time you use this you can summon up to 3 of the archetypal mons for too many combos. It definitely needs the HOPT.

Okay thanks I'll edit it, also, have you seen my Werner archetype?

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Zinform Magneus


A:dark  Type:fusion\fiend

level:8   2700\1300

3 or more Zinform monsters

When this card is on the field once per turn you can banish the bottom card of your deck to the graveyard, if that card is a monster your opponent takes 400 points of damage. if that card is a spell or trap you take 400 points of damage and this cards effect cannot be activated next turn. when this card attacks a monster in attack mode evan if that mosters attack is higher than this cards that monster is destroyed.


Zinform Watabar

A:dark  T:fiend

level:3   900\200

When Zinform Watabar is alone on your field it is automattically destroyed.when Zinform Watabar is on the field cards that involve negating the effects of your "Zinform" monsters are destroyed.


Zinform shock

Trap card

Target one Zinform monster you control that is about to be destroyed by a spell or trap. that monster is banished and You can use the spell or trap that was going to destroy your Zinform monster against your opponent.


Zany Zinform

Equip spell

You can equip this card to one Zinform monster you control. that monster cannot attack your opponent directly and it loses all its attack and defence points. and must be in attack mode. when the equipped card is destroyed you can draw 2 cards and your opponent loses 400 life points.

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Zinform Provakate

A:dark  T:Fiend

Level:1    200\0

When this card is in your hand if you have banished at least 3 cards this turn you can activate this card as the spell card "Polemerazation"


Zinform Assurate

A:dark   T:Fiend

Level:3  1100\100

if this card is banished from your hand or field you can summon it in defence mode o your side of the field. Once per turn if this card is on your field you can deal 200 points of damage to your opponent for each card that was banished this turn.


Zen Zinform Ziplock

Trap card. 

When a Zinform monster you control deals damage to your opponent you can activate this card. the damage deals an extra 300 points of damage. this card can be activated once every 3 turns.

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Zinform coblit

A:dark  T:Fiend

level:1  300\0

You can send Zinform coblit from your field to the graveyard To fusion summon with monsters on your field and banished monsters.


Zinform Watchog

A:dark  T:fiend

level:5   2000\1700

If this card is on the field at the end of your turn you can look at one card in your opponents hand for every 2 cards in your hand. f that card is a spell or trap it is banished. Once every 2 turns you can banish a card from your opponents graveyard, in return you can draw a card.


Devil's swing

Field spell

if this card is on your field when a card is banished, this card gains a Devil's counter.By removing A certain amount of Devil's counters from this card you can activate one of the following effects:

  • 1 counter:banish a card from your graveyard.
  • 2 counters:draw 2 cards and banish one.
  • 3 or more counters:Summon a Banished Zinform monster.
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