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Empty Zones Matter! The "Shocking" Zaparticle Archtype!


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    Once again in the mood to share my ideas, this time the somewhat incomplete "Zaparticle" Archtype, a group of Thunder monsters that like to either have empty zones between them or a sequence of monsters whose combined Level is 0 to make their spell/traps and ED monsters more powerful, all loosely based on the idea of positive/negative ions. it uses my (very unoriginal) concepts of "Negative" monsters (monsters whose level is a negative value) and my iteration of Trap Pendulums (seen here: 


The Monsters

    The strategy primarily revolves around using the effects of the three pendulum monsters to easily swarm the field, after which they can be used as both link materials and tribute fodder for you link monster's effects.


"Once per turn, If you have a Thunder-Type monster in your other Pendulum Zone, you can draw one card for each empty zone between (exclusive) this card and that monster."

"If you control a face-up Thunder-Type Negative Monster you can Special Summon this card to a zone adjacent to that monster."


"Once per turn, If you have a Thunder-Type monster in your other Pendulum Zone, you can target one card on the field; return that card to it's owners Hand. You cannot Pendulum Summon except "Zaparticle" Monsters. (this cards Pendulum Scales is always treated as -2)."

"If you control a face-up Thunder-Type Monster with a positive Level you can Special Summon this card to a zone adjacent to that monster. This cards Level is always treated as -1."


"Target two Thunder-Type Monsters you control whose combined Levels equals 0, monsters you control in zones between those targets cannot be remved from the field until the Endphase, then you can Pendulum Summon Thunder-Type monsters. This cards Pendulum Scale is always treated as the scale of the monster in your other Pendulum Zone x-1."

"Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. If you control Thunder-Type monsters whose combined Levels equals 0 you can Special Summon this card from your Hand."

    The Link monsters, with the exception of Collida, each have effects revolving around the level of monsters you tribute for their effects or summon.


"1 Thunder-Type monsters
You can also Link Summon this card by discarding one "Zaparticle Prota" and "Zaparticle Electra", if Link Summoned this way you can, immediately after this effect resolves, Link Summon one "Zaparticle" monster from your Extra Deck using this card and other "Zaparticle" monsters you control. Once per turn you can tribute this Link Summoned monster (quick effect); Special Summon up to three monsters from your Hand, GY, or faceup from your Extra Deck whose combined Levels equals 0. You can only Link Summon one "Zaparticle Collida" per turn.


"2 Thunder-Type Monsters
This card and any monster it is used as a Link Material for the summon of gains the following effects based on the level of "Zaparticle Monsters used as Materials for this card's Link Summon;
● -1 or lower: This card is immune to Spell Cards/Effects.
● 0: When this card is summoned destroy cards on the field equal to the number of empty zonesthis card points to.
● 1 or higher: This card is immune to trap cards/effects.


"3 Thunder-Type monsters
If you control a Negative Monster and a monster with a positive Level you can move this card to a main monster zone between those monsters. Once per turn you can tribute a monster linked to this card, add one "Zaparticle" Spell or Trap card from your Deck to your Hand.


"2+ Thunder-Type and/or Negative Monsters
Once per turn you can tribute a monster linked to this card, activate the appropriate effect based on that monsters Level;
● -1 or lower: this card can attack all monsters with a positive Level your opponent controls during your next battlephase.
●0: add monsters from your Deck or face-up from your Extra Deck to your Hand whose combined Levels equals 0.
●1 or higher: Special Summon one Thunder-Type Monster from your GY or Face-up from your Extra Deck to a zone this card points to.

The Spells/Traps

I currently don't have images for the few spells/traps I have made.

Ionized Zaparticles


"Discard one card then target two Thunder-Type Monsters you control whose combined Levels equals 0; Special Summon as many "Zaparticle Ion Token" (Thunder/LIGHT/Level 0/ATK 0/DEF 0) as possible to Monster Zones between those targeted monsters."

Zaparticle Inversion


"Target one Thunder-Type monster you control; it's Level becomes equal to it's original Level x-1."

Zaparticle Barrier


"Face-up Thunder-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or your opponents card effects. Destroy this card if the combined Levels of monsters you control is not 0."

Charged Zaparticles


"Target all "Zaparticle" monsters you control in zones adjacent to each other whose combined Levels equals 0; Those monsters gain 500 ATK for each targeted monster until the Endphase."

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Monster can't be Level 0 and there are no Level 0 monster in they game and why do you say Thunder-type when KOnami just uses Thunder monster your PSCT is so 2014 Linkns came out 2017 and they dont metion the word type in the card text no more say for Exmpmale cards dont say Dragon-Type monster anymore... its just Dragon monster

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