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Multiverse Of Crazyness


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Hell no. I'm not sure if this should be in realistic cards. Combo-heavy decks could use it to be able to play around all kinds of staples meant to prevent a game-winning board from going up. It can stop any effect that negates a summon or effect for the whole turn. This is so OP that it needs a once per turn restriction for everything, and much further restrictions. Also the effect which makes the player that removed it lose the duel can be manipulated by artifact durendal, much like how Artifact Durendal in Photon can be used on Photon Retardation/Photon Deceleration to stop time.

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5 hours ago, DifferentDimensionVanessa said:

Hell no. I'm not sure if this should be in realistic cards. Combo-heavy decks could use it to be able to play around all kinds of staples meant to prevent a game-winning board from going up. It can stop any effect that negates a summon or effect for the whole turn. This is so OP that it needs a once per turn restriction for everything, and much further restrictions. Also the effect which makes the player that removed it lose the duel can be manipulated by artifact durendal, much like how Artifact Durendal in Photon can be used on Photon Retardation/Photon Deceleration to stop time.

The reason i created this card are 2: 1st- to solve the game 2 major problems, that are unbreakable going first boards and broken going seconds otk comebacks. 2nd- the real reason actually is to make the game similar to forbidden memories, though it would be cool. Of course the excessive effects are kinda of a joke, but put it here because i would really like to see konami making cards that would actually solve the problems of the game. Thanks for your reply, have a nice day and God bless you.

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