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Manga Boot Sector Launch


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9 hours ago, Phantasm12778 said:

No Abuse and Constructive Crits Only!

Alrighty, but friendly reminder that it is an official site rule to include the written version of the effect below the card.

A bit of PSCT, if you allow me:

You can only use each of the following effects of "Boot Sector Launch (Manga)" once per turn.
● Special Summon 2 "Rokket" monsters from your hand in face-up Defense Position.
● If your opponent controls more monsters than you do: Target DARK Dragon monsters in your GY up to the difference; Special Summon those targets.


I'm no Rokket specialist, but this seems a extremely powerful card. Both effects are quite strong, both effects are OPT, and (redundantly as it sounds) they're both in a single card, a flexibility that in itself pushes the hard a bit on the OP'ed side, probably. I took the liberty of making the OPT a Hard OPT for the sake of balancing a little (because ultimately you could use effect 1 more than once with the original wording if you bounce the card back to your hand), but probably it needs a bit of a nerf, maybe lowering the SS to 1 in the first effect and "up to the difference -1) for the second, so you can't Summon so easily and massively.

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4 hours ago, Phantasm12778 said:

@Rayfield Lumina First of all its a manga card so all of them are busted in some way

Second of all, its for Story Purposes

What an annoying reply. Probably you confuse "constructive criticism" with "Praise me or get lost". Even if this is Casual, it's your duty to try to make your cards somewhat balanced at least, your excuse is lazy and out of place. If you want to make overpowered cards, post it in the Joke and Overpowered section. You reply rudely, not taking into account that I fixed your poor PSCT and gave you pointers about how to improve the card, which is actual Constructive Criticism. Next time you post card, make sure to swap the "Constructive Criticism only" with "Only post if you're going to say my card is perfect and amazing, otherwise I'll get mad and reply stupidly, also I'm expecting you to divine the reason for the card to be OP'ed is for "Story Purposes" that exist in my mind".

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18 minutes ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

What an annoying reply. Probably you confuse "constructive criticism" with "Praise me or get lost". Even if this is Casual, it's your duty to try to make your cards somewhat balanced at least, your excuse is lazy and out of place. If you want to make overpowered cards, post it in the Joke and Overpowered section. You reply rudely, not taking into account that I fixed your poor PSCT and gave you pointers about how to improve the card, which is actual Constructive Criticism. Next time you post card, make sure to swap the "Constructive Criticism only" with "Only post if you're going to say my card is perfect and amazing, otherwise I'll get mad and reply stupidly, also I'm expecting you to divine the reason for the card to be OP'ed is for "Story Purposes" that exist in my mind".

I apologize for being rude. Even in typing I dont communicate well. What I meant was you were focusing too much on the power level without the context. I decided to loosen the original BSL's restrictions since it doesnt matter story wise. Most of the Decks are combo oriented. and its still balanced by the fact its a going first card instead of a going second card. This is a flaw I often have when writing cards. as for the poor psct, I did that on purpose because thats often how it translates in the actual books. They are bland and Vague about their card effects often, and are more explained by the characters then the card text. In my mind, if I was gonna write a manga series, might as well follow the trend of cards being badly written. Improving the card isnt necessary for specific reasons. for 1.) it still has no protection, so it can easily be negated and removed. For 2.) In order for you to take full force of the effect you have to build your Deck around it, and thats hard to do when it can't be searched easily with Terraforming, Metaverse, and Striker Dragon are all Limited. Finally, This is REVOLVER we're talking about. Anime/Manga Decks have to try hard as hell to be viable in the first place, Yuma Tsukumo and Galaxy Eyes/Cipher being a small exception]

Again, Im sorry for the very unintentional rudeness and hope you can forgive me, as I dont communicate that well anymore, not even in typing considering I've been belittled to overdosing twice in my life time and once within online forums


Phantasm (Leo) 

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