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SuperHero Contest


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1. Create a Monster, and 2 Spells, and 1 Trap supporting that monster.

2. The Monster MUST be a SuperHero.

3. SuperMan is not allowed.

4. Don't Spam.

5. Try your best.

6. I don't take bribes.



1. 80 Points and 3 Reps.

2. 50 Points and 2 Reps.

3. 20 Points and 1 Rep.



1. Cruxis89

2. protoman527799 [Posted]

3. Mahtar

4. Marshmallon king [Posted]

5. saint_jimmy [Posted]

6. riz_96

7. PenguinX [Posted]

8. superbull [Posted]

9. Volkswagen. [Posted]

10. Hotfoilcard [Posted]

11. Simplicity Ninja [Half-Posted]


End Date; June 1st, 2008.

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so i dont get this...can i enter as many cards as i want? cause ive seen a number of superhero "sets"...


and what do you have against superman? i mean if your gonna outlaw superman...you should definitely outlaw other WAY overexposed superheroes like wolverine, spiderman, and batman.....



Ill link my thread to if you need an explanation...they are supposed to be abused with swing of memories and trade in.



thats my marvel link


thats the link to the hulk cards

(note: these links are in part provided because they are where you can find info about the artist, disclaimers, etc.)


3/4 are keown

1/4 is madeuria




art on the trap is by Andrea DiVito and can be found at www.comicartcommunity.com


now i believe i am in compliance :)

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