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Revolvers new Manga Ace for AU.


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Constructive Criticism only, and no abuse plz and thank you

2+ "Topologic" OR "Borrel" monsters
If this card is Link Summoned: Negate all effects of all other Link monsters on the field. Once per turn, you can target one Cyberse monster your opponent controls; Its effects are negated, it cannot attack, also its ATK becomes Zero and it can not be targeted for attacks(but does not stop you from attacking directly). Unaffected by all card effects(except its own).Cards and Effects are ignored during this cards effect and resolution. If a monster(s) is Summoned to a zone this card points to: Banish this card until the End Phase of this turn; Shuffle all cards in both players hands and field into the Deck, then you and your opponent draw 5 cards. If this card is Special Summoned due to its own effect, it gains 500 ATK. If this card leaves the field by an opponents monster, Special Summon 1 "Topologic Zeroboros" and 1 "Borreload Dragon" from your ED or GY, then negate one of those monsters effects until the end of the turn. 

Topo-Borrel ZeroLoad Dragon.jpeg

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