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New C-numbers


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I thought the idea of rank-ups was really cool, and since pretty much 70-90% of the rank-up spells have to do with numbers/monsters with XYZ in the name, I decided to make number C's myself. All of these were designed with the mentality that they should be usable on their own, like some of the other number C's. I may add numbers to the list as time goes by.

Number C89: Eosferos The Soul Hacker
[Monster|XYZ|Effect] Psychic/DARK
[★★★★★★★★] 2700/2500
【Monster Effect】
3 level 8 LIGHT monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 2 XYZ materials from this card; look at your opponents hand & extra deck, then banish 1 card each from them. At the end of the Battle Phase, if a monster was destroyed by battle: You can target a number of cards in your opponent's GY equal to the number of monsters destroyed this turn; banish them, face-down. This card gains 100 ATK & DEF for each of your opponents face-down banished cards. If this card has "Number 89: Diablosis The Mind Hacker" as an Xyz Material, it gains this effect.
●If a card an opponent's card is banished face-down while you control this card (except during the Damage Step): You can banish cards from the top of your opponent's Deck, face-down, equal to their face-down banished cards (Max. 4). Then, you can add 1 of your opponent's banished cards to this card as XYZ material. You can only use this effect of "Number c89: Eosferos The Soul Hacker" once per turn.

Number C74: Sword God
[Monster|XYZ|Effect] Psychic/LIGHT
[★★★★★★★★] 3500/0
【Monster Effect】
3 level 8 LIGHT monsters
Cannot be targeted by card effects. Up to a number of times equal to the amount of XYZ material this card had at the start of the turn, if this card would be destroyed or banished, it isn't. You can detach any number of XYZ material from this card; shuffle that many cards on the field into the hand. If this card has "Number 74: Master Of Blades" as an XYZ Material, it gains this effect.
●Whenever a card or effect is activated that targets a card on the field; you can negate that effect, then attach up to 2 cards from your hand to this card as XYZ material. You can only activate this effect once per turn.

Number C19: Frozen Tyrant Lizard
[Monster|XYZ|Effect] Dinosaur/WATER
[★★★★★★] 3000/3500
【Monster Effect】
4 level 6 monsters
Whenever you would detach an XYZ material to activate another monster's effect, while this card has XYZ material, you do not have to. At the end of each turn, detach 1 XYZ material from this monster.

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"This card gains 50 ATK & DEF for each face-down banished card."

That is cool in concept but a bit impractical in real life. Counting the face-down banished cards of both players can be annoying when you have to multiply by 50 for every battle. Maybe change it to only ONE duelist's face-down banished cards, and have it gain 100 ATK & DEF for that. Quicker and a bit more consistent with how cards have been designed already.

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Number C10: Shining Templar
[Monster|XYZ|Effect] Warrior/LIGHT
[★★★★★] 3000/3000
【Monster Effect】
4 level 5 monsters
If you would be forced to discard a card due to an effect, you can add those discard cards to your hand after that effect resolves. If this card has "Number 10: Illumiknight" as material, it gains this effect.

●Detach any number of materials; draw up to that many cards , then, you can shuffle a number of cards from either grave into their respective deck equal to the amount of cards drawn by this effect.


Number C22: Frankenlich
[Monster|XYZ|Effect] Zombie/DARK
[★★★★★★★★★] 5500/0
【Monster Effect】
4 level 9 DARK monsters
Must either be XYZ summoned, or special summoned by a spell cards effect. Once during each end phase, each of your opponents monsters has their battle position changed. If this card has "Number 22: Zombiestein" as material, it gains this effect.

●Detach 1 XYZ materials, and place up to 3 cards from your hand on the bottom of your deck: Apply the appropriate effect.

 ●1: Add up to 3 cards from your grave to your hand, then take 1000 damage for each card added to your hand this way.

 ●2: All of your opponents cards are flipped face down.

 ●3: special summon 1 level/rank 8 or lower monster from your graveyard. If "Number 22: Zombiestein" was detached as one of the XYZ materials, this ignores summoning conditions.

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Number C91: Electro-Magnetic Rail Dragon
[Monster|XYZ|Effect] Dragon/LIGHT
[★★★★] 3000/2500
【Monster Effect】
5 level 5 LIGHT monsters
Whenever a face-down card(s) is destroyed by card effect, attach them to this card as XYZ material. If this card has "Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon" as material, it gains this effect.

●Detach 2, 4, or 6 XYZ materials: Apply the appropriate effect.

 ●2: Banish up to 2 monsters on the field.

 ●4: Destroy all of your opponents face-up cards.

 ●6: Your opponent chooses 3 of their cards to destroy, then, both players can special summon 1 monster from their deck face-down. It is destroyed if it is not flipped face-up by the end phase.


Number 14: Sarama The Avaricious
[Monster|XYZ|Effect] Beast/LIGHT
[★★★★★★] 4000/1000
【Monster Effect】
3 level 6 monsters
Whenever this card destroys a monster, you can detach 1 XYZ material; you can take damage equal to that monsters attack; destroy all monsters your opponent controls, then, you can add 1 monster from your deck to your hand whose level is equal to the amount of cards destroyed by this effect. If this card has "Number 14: Greedy Sarameya" as material, it gains this effect.

●Your opponent takes all effect damage you would take. Whenever your opponent takes effect damage, increase your lifepoints equal to the amount they took.

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