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AHHHH!!!!! a Tornado hit the Town, because of a Gladiator Beast called Gyzarus

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The theme of this powerful deck is called Gyzarus Loops, Bold is the Techs, Rate or Fix


Monsters: 19


2 Test Ape

2 Gladiator Beast Bestairi

2 Gladiator Beast Murmillo

2 Gladiator Beast Hoplomus

2 Gladiator Beast Dimacari

2 Gladiator Beast Secutor

1 Test Tiger

1 Gladiator Beast Laquari

1 Gladiator Beast Darius

1 Gladiator Beast Spartacus

1 Gladiator Beast Alexander

1 Gladiator Beast Octavius

1 Gladiator Beast Torax


Fusion: 2

1 Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz

1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus


Spells: 21

3 Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica

3 Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield

2 Gladiator Proving Ground

2 Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius

2 Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd

2 Gladiator's Return

2 Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts

1 Gladiator Beast's Respite

1 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Heavy Storm

1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 8

2 Double Tag Team

2 Disarm

2 Parry

1 Defensive Tactics

1 Magic Cylinder


Deck total: 48 + 2 fusions

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s*** my eyes just lit on fire. I see no Cold Waves' date=' Prismas, Stratoses, or Herklianos. And you call this a GB deck.



actually, this deck revolves on using Gyzarus for destruction then using various loops to get Gyzarus back out again and again and again, there are a few loops involving Secutor, and the Manica, same with Gaiodiaz and Test Ape, the reason why i do not have Heraklinos is because they are too hard to find, i got a cold wave, but have way too many spelss and traps to use it

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s*** my eyes just lit on fire. I see no Cold Waves' date=' Prismas, Stratoses, or Herklianos. And you call this a GB deck.



actually, this deck revolves on using Gyzarus for destruction then using various loops to get Gyzarus back out again and again and again, there are a few loops involving Secutor, and the Manica, same with Gaiodiaz and Test Ape, the reason why i do not have Heraklinos is because they are too hard to find, i got a cold wave, but have way too many spelss and traps to use it



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