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Circle Monarchs - Because no Deck is perfect™

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Monsters [20]


Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch [3]

Raiza the Storm Monarch [1]

Caius the Shadow Monarch [3]

Destiny Hero - Malicious [2]

Cyber Dragon [2]


Elemental Hero Stratos [1]

Destiny Hero - Disk Commander [1]

Destiny Hero - Fear Monger [2]

Card Trooper [1]

Snipe Hunter [1]

Sangan [1]

Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious [1]

Treeborn Frog


Spells [13]


Destiny Draw [3]

Premature Burial [1]

Monster Reborn [1]

Heavy Storm [1]

Mystical Space Typhoon [1]

Fissure [1]

Giant Trunade [1]

Allure of Darkness [2]

Foolish Burial [2]


Traps [7]


Solemn Judgment [3]

Mirror Force [1]

Torrential Tribute [1]

Limit Reverse [2]


Yes, I realize that Captain Tenacious is not great. I want to see how it works with Disk Commander.

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Guest Star

Yes' date=' I realize that Captain Tenacious is not great. I want to see how it works with Disk Commander.



Read the above quote.

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I see no Dashers' date=' lulwtf?


Dashers are not a necessary part of monarchs, as a matter of fact if a N00b were using Dasher in a monarch deck, they would probably try and waste his ability on a monarch, thus wasting their summon, so that they don't get their effect.


and before anyone says anything, no, I'm not saying anyone here is a N00b, I don't know you people, I was just giving an example.

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Remix™ if your play destiny monarch you are doing it wrong way wrong


3| Caius the Shadow Monarch

3| Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

2| Destiny Hero - Malicious

3| Destiny Hero - Plasma


1| Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

2| Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

1| Elemental Hero Stratos


3| Destiny Draw

2| Over Destiny

2| Foolish Burial

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Premature Burial

1| Smashing Ground

1| Fissure

2| Allure Of Darkness

3| Lightning Vortex


3| Solemn Judgment

3| Limit Return

1| Mirror Force

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With a Destiny Engine he could be used to get out a monster for a free Monarch. Only a n00b would waste it on a Monarch.

That would not be free' date=' because you will still be using a card from your hand, free would be if you used a Destiny Hero - Malicious, an already used card, grabs another copy from the deck. Truly free, and helps with deck thining. Also, isn't that what I just said about wasting....



Dashers are not a necessary part of monarchs, as a matter of fact if a N00b were using Dasher in a monarch deck, they would probably try and waste his ability on a monarch, thus wasting their summon, so that they don't get their effect.


and before anyone says anything, no, I'm not saying anyone here is a N00b, I don't know you people, I was just giving an example.

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It's really apples to oranges, personally I like Dasher as you can Special Summon Malicious, Disc Commander, Snipe Hunter, Sangan, and Card Trooper to gain advantage with effects and balance off the cost of a card in your hand before a Monarch hits the field.

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ok i would suggest adding pwwb and ladds


but apart from that what the hell is the point to this deck, gain advantage advantage for what gaining more advantage adding just a few monarch to that mix dosnt make it good


im asstounded but why i used to have trouble with theese decks :S

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