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Slot Machine - Lucky Jackpot [Written]


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Slot Machine - Lucky Jackpot
lv 7 DARK
You can Special Summon this card from your hand by banishing 1 DARK Machine monster from your GY. You can only Special Summon "Slot Machine - Lucky Jackpot" once per turn this way. During your Main Phase: Roll 3 six-sided die; apply the following effect depending on the combined result of the die.
* 1-6: Draw 1 card.
* 7-12: Add 1 "7 Completed" from your Deck or GY to your hand.
* 13-18: Add up to 3 "7 Completed" from your Deck or GY to your hand.
You can only use this effect of "Slot Machine - Lucky Jackpot" once per turn.
ATK/2000 DEF/2300

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  • 2 weeks later...

Conceptually, I really like this card. In execution. . . well, I still really like it.

Admittedly, the prior Bandit Keith support only supporting coin flips and not having any synergy with Proton Blast is a huge bummer. 

This isn't a playstarter on its own, nor is it really a boss monster in its own right, but its effect is really interesting. You're forced to run at least 1 '7 Completed' to activate this effect, but you're rewarded for running all 3, leading to some interesting questions to be asked during deckbuilding.

The middle effect, the one you're most likely to get, is the weakest. You'd much rather draw a card than add an old equip spell to your hand.  But it's the last effect that really makes the brain start ticking. 

"Up to 3." You can theoretically activate this effect while only having 1 possible search, sure. But do you want to run 3, run the risk of clogging your hand, in order to grab two extra pieces of empty advantage? Do you have a way to take advantage of that, or would you rather just run 1, and run this as a card that is a from-hand extender that replaces itself with, at bare minimum, a blank?


I like cards like this that make me think stuff like that.

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  • 2 months later...

This is cool and I do like the effects, but I have one big problem with this: why is it dice roll? All the bandit Keith cards are coin flips. Barrel dragon, desperado, blowback, twin barrel, proton blast, are all coin flips. Why throw in a random dice roll, which has no synergy with all the coin flip support?

My suggestion is to instead replace the 3 dice rolls with 3 coin flips. And instead of applying just 1 effect, it applies them in sequence. 1 heads gets you the 1st effect, 2 heads gets you 1st and 2nd effects, 3 heads gets you all 3 effects. Of course then the effects would need to change to accommodate this, but I'll leave that up to you.

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