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"Dinomight" Archetype. (Or, it's...Duelling Time?)


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It's Morphin' Duelin' Time!

I'd love to say this archetype was "inspired" by Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, but that'd be a lie... they're a straight copy. The main deck monsters here are split into Warrior and Dinosaur types, with differing effects. But the real power hits if you can bring out the Link Monsters...


The Warrior-type monsters gain an effect if you control more than one of them, along the lines of the Six Samurai. Here we have the team leader, a mighty Swordsman.


The Dinosaur-type monsters GIVE an effect if they become equipped to another monster, which comes in useful when they're used to Summon...


The Extra Deck Monsters, the heavy hitters. Gaining more power for having more cards on the field.



Mostly just a bit of fun, but at the same time I feel like this could actually work? Thoughts?

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