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Yugioh Advaned Chronicles Season 1 Please look and comment

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(Banner made by OCG King)


(Banner made by Aman)

I've got this posted already and when I find it, I'll ask it to be locked since it died last time. I'll have help from ChronosCrowler so this don't die as well. The main setting is Duel Tech Univeristy and they have entrance exams 3 times per year and the setup is like Duel Academy but Obelisk boys have no uniform thingy like the other 3 dorms(Slifer, Red and Obelisk girls dorms)


[spoiler=main characters]

Name: Lance Rhinestar

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Bio: Possibly the best at his age, Dueling and Basketball has always been his favorite hobbies. He seems to really popluar when it comes to girls...

Deck: Cyber Dragons/Spellcasters


Joey Rhinestar(Yes the same Joey that Yugi hangs out with)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Bio: Working on it

Deck: Red Eyes/Warrior


Alexis Rhodes

Age 17

Gender: Female

Bio: Has a MAJOR crush on Lance. How are the other 70 somthing girls at Duel Tech are going to accept this I don't know...

Deck: Looks like a beatdown but not even I can tell...


Yusei Fudo(Yes he's here to)

Age: 17(Year younger that he's in 5D's)

Gender: Male

Bio: Lance and Joey's chilhood friend. He's one of the top 1st years.

Deck: Synchro/Tuner and some random cards


Jaden Yuki

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Bio: Working on it

Deck: Elemental/Evil


Aster Phoenix

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Bio: Working on it

Deck: You already know


Seto Kaiba

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Bio: The president of KC, he's a 2nd year who monitors his company from his dorm and goes to the buliding

Deck: Blue Eyes



Grace Ritter(Character by Grim199175)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Bio: Her parents were slain by the Rare Hunters/Ghouls. Since then, she despised people who wants power more than anything. She's the other girl with a MAJOR crush on Lance, making her Alexis's main rival both in dueling and love

deck: Death Knights(Cards Made by Grim199175)



[spoiler=Minors(Not done)]

Drake Hikari

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Bio: The captian of Duel Tech's basketball team.

Deck: ???



[spoiler=Characters from other anime or manga]

Kaede Rukawa(From Slam Dunk manga)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Bio: A 2nd year on the basketball team that only hangs out with Lance and Drake along with Joey

Deck: ???



Episode 1


Lance is driving his Motorcycle at top speed to make it to his exams

At the exams...

Aster: I won

Random Guy: You're in duel tech. Welcome.

Crowler: I'm supposed to duel someone as well. Where is he?!

Just then, Lance enters the place, still on his Mototcycle, parks inside, gets up and pulls out his duel disk which is a black GX disk.

Crowler: What the...Who are you?

Lance: Lance Rhinestar. Now let's duel

Crowler: Well then...My name is Dr Crowler. I'm your opponent.

Lance: You can't beat me. That's a fact

Crowler: I'm going to win

Yusei: That Crowler guy is an idiot...

Aster: I second that...

Jaden: Me three...

Joey: Me 4...

Jack: This guy is supposed to be good. Let's see


Lance: Let's get started


Lance LP 4000

Crowler LP 4000


Crowler: My turn. I summon Ancient Gear Solder in attack mode(ATK 1300/DEF: 1300) and end my turn.

Lance: My turn. I summon Cyber Dragon in attack mode(ATK: 2100/DEF 1600)

Crowler: How?!

Lance: When my opponent has a monster and I don't, my Cyber Dragon doesn't need a tribute. Attack: Strident Blast!!!

Ancient Gear Golem was destroyed

Crowler LP 3200

Lance: Then I play 2 face downs and end my turn.


Crowler: My turn. I activate Magnet Circle LV 2 to special summon Anicent Gear(ATK: 100/DEF: 800) and I use its effect to summon another Ancient Gear. Then I tribute both to summon Ancient Gear Golem(ATK 3000/DEF: 3000). ATTACK!!!

Cyber Dragon was destroyed

Lance LP 3100

Crowler: Turn end.

Lance: My turn. I activate Monster Reborn to special summon Cybe Dragon from my grave. Then I activate Power Bond fusing by 3 dragons together to special summon my Cyber End Dragon(ATK: 4000/DEF 2800) and thanks to Power Bond, his ATK is doubled

Crowler: 8000 ATK POINTS????!!!!

Lance: Cyber End Dragon end this with Super Strident Blaze!!!!

The Golem was destroyed

Crowler LP 0

Crowler: I LOST?!

Bastion: What the...He's really strong

Alexis(Thinking and Blushing) Also, he's cute...

Lance: I'm in. This'll be interesting

Brad: Guys, watch that kid. He might cause us problems


Lance: Well, it looks like I'm in Obelisk...

Joey: So am I...

Kaiba: I thought monkeys aren't allowed in school

Joey: KAIBA!!!!! I'm gonna get that guy someday...

Brad: Hey you two.

Joey: What the...

Joey gets punched

Brad: Know your place

Joey: Who are you?

Brad: Brad Norino. 3rd year...

Lance: HEY!!!

Brad: Want some too...

Lance punches Brad in the face

Brad: GRRRR!! Don't forget this(Leaves)

Joey: What's his problem


Darkra: Darkness...will conesume everyone...


So, Lance, his brother and the rest begin life at duel tech but will they make it?


End of Episode 1


Sorry how short it is. I had other stuff to do. I promise 2 will be longer

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This fanfiction breaks one of the greatest laws of fanfictions. Anachronisms. GX is set around ten years after the original, and 5D's atleast thirty years after it. If Yusei's 17, it means that Alexis is at least 45, and Joey around 60.

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hehe! I remember when i was still in school...teachers..classmates...sigh...the old days...heheh...Iam already a college graduate and working for a voice acting company! oh1 and im already 19 yrs old! XD! Oh if your curious whom i voice act! i voice:




Professor Chronos/Crowler





(i can't remember the others! but what i work for is sure a mouth full! XD)

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Umbra i hate to say this but your wrong 5 d is when jaden is 28 he is 18 at the end of GX and 5 d is 10 years later.


Are you sure?



Just to let you guys know' date=' this has nothing to do with the anime so stuff is out of place.



Sure, this has nothing to do with the anime. Except for all of the characters.

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Here's the next episode courtesy of ChronosCrowler

Episode 2

"The Small but big! Trouble!!


At The Vice Chancellors Room


Dr. Crowler - Arghh!!!That little brat!!!i haven't been humiliated like this since! Yuki!!!Although he is a Obelisk Blue!!!I Despise him!!!Ill make sure to make his life miserable here in the Academy!!!hahahah!!!then he would have to leave!!!!ahahhahah!!!Bravisimo!If I do say so myself!!!Now what to do...He sure isn't stupid enough to fall for the love letter trick...uhmmm...I got it!!!!Ill pester him! in class!!and give him! really hard questions that will humiliate him infront of his collegues!!!hahahah!Wait wahts this? (*reads a duel magazine*) What!!!! He’s THE US CHAMP!!!!!!!!!(*faints on his chair*)


Meanwhile at the path to Duel Tech


Joey - Oh! no! classes starts in 5 minutes!!Crowler is so gonna punnish me if im late!!!

Lance - Step aside loser...

Joey - Whats!!! Arghh!!!I don't have time to argue with you its crowler's class in 3 minutes so move out of the way!!!

Lance - Hmph...Crowler?that loser!ha!

(* The 2 Quarreled for some time and they were late for Crowler's class for 8minutes*)


Dr. Crowler - Mr. Joey!!!! I say your late!!!and who...(*AHA!!!!Its that Brat! I mean US CHAMP!*) Ah!!! Mr. Lance!!!It seems you are late on your first day...and considering you an obelisk blue getting late?Well its fine by me! You may take a sit…

Lance – Thank you…

Joey – What about me sir?

Crowler- Well You?! Uhmmm…3 Weeks Deck Confiscation and 1 hour of lecture after class…

OTHER STUDENTS - HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!Confiscation!!!and 1 Hour Blabering!!!!HAHHAAHAHHAHAHAAHA!!!!!What a loser!!!

(*Joey is turning all red...but)

Joey - Bubbubu...but...

Lance – Wow. Mister Crowler! Isn’t that a bit harsh? Besides you yourself loss to me in a duel so cut him some slack!

Alexis – (talking to herself..)He’s so dreamy…standing up against crowler for his brother! Aaahhh…..




Crowler - Silence! ALL OF YOU!!!GRRRR

(*Crowler Bites of his hankerchief*)

(* that boy is really getting on my nerves!!!*)

Crowler - You little!!!...Ahem…Awright! How about this Mr. Joey you will duel with me after class! And if you win!!!Ill let you past this once and ignore you being late! But if I win! I get to burn your deck into Ashes!!!hahah!!!and remember Im have a PhD in dueling!!!

Joey – Wow…(Sarcastically) thanks bro! you really helped…

Lance - Big Wuff! You just added doctor to your name!!whats the deal!!!!

Joey - hey lance pipe down you don't want to get crowler angry!!!


Crowler - You INSULT ME!!!!A Callibur of your! Ranks!!!!HMPHHH!!!THIS SERVES FOR SERIOUS MEASURESSS!!!No more mister nice DR!!!!!Gr!!!!!!!!!!!!Mr. Joey Preapare for your utter defeat!!!!!

Lance - Fine! Your o...


??? - Shut the crap! Crowler!!! I have a better Idea!!!

Crowler - Whose there?

??? - It is I your collegue!!!and friend!!!Bonaparte!!!

Crowler - BONAPARTE!!!Youve returned!!!But when!!!Why this sudden???

Bonaparte - Well I had some issues with the missis! so I brought myself along to Duel Academy back! with my son Martin!!!!heheh!

Crowler - Very well so whats your plan?

Bonaparte - Well let me duel him! and I win!!!He Scrubs the Toilets!!!And work as the janitor for this institution!!!For a month!!!But if I lose!!Crowler Will do the dishes of the Blue Dorm for a Week!!!hahha!so whatdya say!

Lance - Cool! thats fine by me! Isn’t that right joey?

(*Joey Fainted*)

Crowler - But wait! a min...

Bonaparte - Marvelous! now enough with the chitchat!!! and lets have this duel underway!!!

Crowler - BONAPARTE!!!YOU NUMB SKULL!!!I haven't even agreed yet!!!and me wash the dishes!!!!!!Arghh!!!!

Bonaparte - don't worry crowler!!!I have this in the bag!!!

Crowler - you better be right of that!!!


After Class


Lance - Wow this is gonna be interesting!

Aster - Yeh! your right!

Yusei - Im with you two!

Jack - Hmph...


Bonaparte - Now How would you like your defeat!!!Disgrace!or Total Punishment!!!hahahah!!!


Joey – br…br…br….


Bonaparte – Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue? hahah! let the revolution! Begin!

B 4000

J 4000



Bonaparte - Ill begin!

Draw!!!!I place two facedowns!!!!and summon Toy Wizard to the field!!!

Crowler - Im afraid you made a major forkua!!!

Bonaparte - Well see Crowler! Well see!!!To that! now I place!!! Toy Wizard to my Spell Zone!!!

Joey - is that even legal!

Bonaparte - Oh!Contraire! Monami!!!!My Toy Wizard's Effect allows him to be place on the spell and trap! zone so now i don't have a monster!!!And don't even think of summoning a Cyber Watchamakolet! to the field!!!ahhahaha!!!!

Crowler - In Genius!!!

Bonaparte - you got that right! I have a much bigger brain than you Crowler!!

Joey - Hmph...I don’t use Cybers Shorty!!!I use Dragons! And Warriors!

Bonaparte – What did you say!!!!GRRRR!!!Ill see this be your defeat!!!


Joey - Fine!!! I summon Battle Warrior! To the field!And aCtivate! Question!!!Now I presume you know this effect? When you recall monsters frm your graveyard you have to recall what card is on the bottom, if wrong that card is removed from the game, if right, if it is a monster it is special summoned to my field!And now I Set a facedown!

Joey - Now Now Battle Warrior ATTACK!!!!!


Bonaparte - Don't be too confident! columbo!!!Now I Reveal My Face down!!!A quick play!!!Toy Robot Box!!!It allows me to summon 3 "Robot Tokens" (Machine-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0)In defense mode!!!. However, These tokens cannot declare an attack.


Joey - No matter! I destroy!!!1!!!!


Bonaparte - hahah!!!!No damage!!!hahaha!!!!


Joey - Gr....I end my turn!(I should have known this would happen! Oh! I hate you bro!)

Lance(shouting) – keep it up bro!!!you can handle it!!!


Bonaparte - I draw!!!!Now I Set a monster!!!then activate!!!Double summon!!!And Flip summon my Set monster!!!And what do you know! its another Toy Wizard!!!hahaha!!!But if a Toy wizard is flipped summoned! i can destroy spell and trap cards by the amount of Toy wizards i have!!!So i count two!!!now relinquish your face down!!and that Question!!!!Now I switch my other toy wizard fm the spell and trap zone to my monster zone!!!giving me a total of 4 monsters on the field!Now!!!Toy Wizard! Attack his Battle Warrior!!!


J - 3100


Bonaparte - Now with my second Toy Wizard!!!to attack you directly!!!!Toy!!!Magic!!!


J - 1500


Bonaparte - I Place two cards face down and call it a turn!


Joey - Arghh! You foiled my plan no matter!!! since i no longer have monsters!! and you have 4!!! I Call Time Wizard T osee if luck agrees with me!!!


Bonaparte - Oh! think! i didn’t know that! I activate!!! Bottomless Trap Hole!! and removes from the game a monster!!! and that include your! Time Wizard!


Joey - curse you!!!


Crowler - Wow you predicted all of this to happen?!!!!


Bonaparte - well of course monami!hahahha!!!


Joey - Arghh!!!well predict this!!!! I activate Lightning Vortex! And Destroy all your face-up monsters and your field but I have to discard a card from my hand!

Bonaparte - Well now you don't have anymore! cards in hand!!hahaha!!!I draw!!!Now!Im, thinking I ll activate heavy storm!!!!! To destory all spell and trap cards on the field!!!!!!


Joey - I knew this would happened I activate Magic Jammer!


Bonaparte - Hold on there I activate 7 tools of the bandit and relinquish 1000 life points!!!


Joey - No Im gonna Lose!!!Just as I thought!!!!


Crowler - Youve really improved! Bonaparte!!!


Bonaparte! - thanks! but lets save the applause for later!!!! now!!!Toy Wizards! Attack him directly! with Toy Flasher!!!!!!



Joey - Ahhh!!!!!!


B - 3000

J - 0



Bonaparte - Now lets begin your punishment!hahaha!!!

Crowler - You were great Bonaparte!!!

Bonaparte – Thanks to you!!!! ahah!!!!

Lance – Man you loss!!!are you sure you’re my brother?

Joey – Shut up!!!You started this in the first place!!!

Crowler – Enough of those Chitchats!!those toilets won’t clean themselves you know!!!


Joey - OMG!!!(*Curse You Lance!!!!Curse You!!!!*)

Lance - HAHAH!!^_^Well that’s life bro!hhhhehehe!

(*In this episode joey could have won! If he wasn’t to nervous! Because of what his brother did too him! Binging him a lot of trouble with the terror professors!XD*)


Now That Professor Napoleon Bonaparte is back at Duel Academy, and the the Terror Duos have united!(Crowler And Bonaparte), Will our hero’s Stay at duel academy be turn into worst? Find Out in the next exciting episode of Yugioh Advaned Chronicles!


Now time to work on 3

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Another episone thanks to ChronosCrowler

Episode 3

Another Day At Duel Tech


Kaiba Corporation Main Lobby


(Crowler And Bonaparte Baked a Cake that looks like Blue Eye’s Head)

Crowler – Bonaparte Are You sure? Mr. Kaiba will give us a promotion if do this?

Bonaparte – Ofcourse Monami!!!heheheh!My plans are flawless!!!hahaha!

KC Desk Manager – Mr. Kaiba will see you now…

Bonaparte – Now do you believe me!

Crowler – Yes!Yes! your quite right!!!


Meanwhile at Duel Tech Gym'


(*sign Board*)

“Basketball Try Outs Today”


Captain Drake Hikari – Okay! Next! Lance!!!Show us what you got!

Lance – Yes Sir!!!

(* Lance Played BasketBall Marvelously! With flying colors!!!*)

Captain Drake Hikari – That kid has potential! Don’t you think Kaede Rukawa?

(Kaede Rukawa(*lol anime freelance*)A 2nd year enrolled in obelisk blue who only hangs out with people skilled in Basketball such as Capt. Drake.)

Rukawa – Ei! Kid ! Catch!

Lance – Got it!

(Catches a New Basketball)

Rukawa – Let’s play a game!

Lance – Sure! Bring it on!!!

(The Two Started to plat rounds!)


At The BackStreets of Duel Tech


Joey – This sucks!!!I have to clean toilets! Everymorning!!!hehehe! but its not that in the Girls Washroom!!!heheh!

J’s Gang Member #1 – Ya Joey!!!Tell us whats in there!!!

Joey – Well you see there were small pink like tissues in the caverns and a hu……

??? – Hey You! Mister Toilet Plunger!!!Shouldn’t you be in the toilet scrubbing!!!hahahha!

J’s Gang Member #2 – Hey you! Wise guy!don’t you know who you talking with!!!

??? – Ya I know! Joey Toilet Plunger!!!hahah!hey theres something clogging the toilets at the men’s room might you want to clog it out!!!hahaha

Joey – Oh! Brad Norino!!!Your really getting on my nerves!!!you better shut up! Or Ill clog your mouth with my fist!!!

Brad – Ow! Really?! HA!!!Boys! Take him out!!!

B’s Gang – YES BOSS!!!

Joey – Come on guys!!!lets show them what we got!!!

J’s Gang – Yeh!!!!

(*The Two Gangs Brawled*)



Back At KC Corp


(*SFX Knocks*)

Bonaparte – Oh! Mister Kaiba! Sir!!! It is us! The Professors from Duel Academy!

Kaiba – Come in!

(*SFX Opening Door The Close*)

Kaiba – What do you need with me(Talking While The Chair is at its back)

Bonaparte – You see sir we have a little something for you!monseiur!

(Chair Revolves)

Kaiba – What is it? (SFX Shock) YOU!!!!Professor Vellian Crowler!!!

Crowler – Yes Sir! What is it!!!(Oh! Did I do something wrong! Or is he gonna give me a raise!)

Kaiba – Come with me! We will Duel!!!

(Bonaparte is left out)

Crowler – Me sir! But why!!!(whispers towards Bonaparte)You didn’t say this would happen!!!!

Bonaparte – I really didn’t know this!!!

Kaiba – enough with the talk let us go! To the Dueling Arena!!!


Duel Tech Red Dorm

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jaden – Ah!!!!Get Away! From me!!!

Blaire – Uh! Jaden My love!!!come on!!!Let us go!!!to our neverending story!!!(hehhe! My plan is working

Jaden – What love!!!I don’t love you!!!

(There was a open room and Jaden Runs toward it!)

Jaden – Aha! Safety!!!

(SFX Locks The Door)

Jaden – Phew!

(SFX lock unlocks)

Blaire – Oh! Jaden! Do you really want to go to my room that badly!hhe! my love!!!

Jaden – you..you..you mean! THIS IS YOUR ROOM!!!!

Blaire – Yes(Tehee!)[Mission success!]

Jaden – Crap...Lord let me live...LET ME LIVE!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!


Back At The Back Streets of Duel Tech


Brad – Remember this day! Joey!!!I shall have my revenge!!!

Joey – Big! Wuff!!!Run along now little kitty! Meow!!!

Brad – Grr…!!Lets go guys!!!

Joey – Yeh!!! We Won Guys!!!We Won!!!!

J’s Gang – Yeh!!!We Tottally Pawned!!!Them!!!Yeh!!!!

Joey – Now lets get back to our dorms and clean up!!!

J’s Gang – Yeh!!!!


At The Classrooms


Professor – Ok Mr Aster! For todays lesson you will be dueling mister yusei!

Aster & Yusei – yes sir!

At The try outs

Alexis – Ah…Lance Sure is dreamy and the perfect man for me!!

(Lance & Rukawa Exhausted and sits on the floor)

Lance – You were great!!!!Rukawa!!!

Rukawa – You too! I can’t believe that are score tied up! Yeh!!eheheh!!!!

Captain Drake – Now you too! Go to the showers and freshen!up!!!we have a long day ahead of us!!!

Lance & Rukawa – Yes Sir!!!

Alexis – What! 2 Boys In the sshower!!!and its lance!!!!(*faints on her chiar*)


Back at the Red Dorm -


Blaire – Now isn’t that cute Jaden!Tehee!

Jaden – br…br…br…(Jaden is still in state of shock)

Blaire – You do look nice in a princess’s clothes! Tehee!


At the KC Dueling Arena-


Kaiba – Let this duel begin!

Crowler – As you say sir!

Kaiba – you go first!

Crowler – yes sir!


K – 4000

C – 4000


Crowler – I draw!!! I set a facedown!!!and Acivate Mystical Space Typhoon!!!!To destroy my facedown!!!And on the contrary! My Face down is!!!!Statue of The Wiked!!!This allows me to summon 2 Wiked Fiend Tokens To the Field! Now Ill Tribute both of the mto Summon Ancient Gear! Golem!!!in ATK mode!!!(* I must show Mr. Kaiba That im a great Duelist and Professor!*)

Ancient Gear Golem – 3000 ATK

Kaiba – Impressive A monster with 3000 ATK on the first Turn!

Crowler – Thank you sir! Now I end my Turn!

Kaiba – You shown! Your Glory! Now its my turn!!!Draw!!!

Kaiba – You Showed me your Ace Card! Now Im gonna Show You mine!!!

Bonaparte – Sacrebleu! Is that Possible!!!!

Crowler – You don’t mean!!!!

Kaiba – I play! Cheerful Coffin!!!and remove 3 monsters from my hand to the Graveyard! Now!!!I play! Dragon’s Mirror!!!and Remove those 3 monsters from the grave! Namely! 3 Blue Eyes White Dragon!!!Out of Play!!!!To Summon My Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!!!!!

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon – 4500 ATK

Crowler - Mamamia!!!! It’s the Ultimate Dragon!!!!!!

Bonaparte – You Got that right amigo!!!

Kaiba – I activate! Tremendous Fire!!! And Which Damages both of us! But Iam Only damaged by 500 and you 1000!!!

K – 3500

C – 3000


Kaiba – Now My Ultimate Dragon Attack his Golem!!!!


C – 1500


Crowler – nanone!!!!


Kaiba – I play 1 face down and call it a turn…


Crowler – (*He is really Strong!!!*)

Bonaparte – Good luck Crowler!!!hhaahah!!this will be defeat!hahah!!!

Crowler – I thought! Im on your side!


Kaiba – Do not worry! I admire your talent Crowler! Having you also summon a strong monster on the first Turn!

Crowler - Thank you sir!(Got to do Better) I play A Spell Card Future Fusion!!!!By Removing! 1 Ancient Gear Golem from my deck and 2 other Ancient Gear monsters! From the game! Ican summon on my next turn ! My Ultimate Ancient Gear!!!

KAiba - ??? but on your next turn youll be defeated if I attack you directly on my turn?

Crowler – No worries!!! Ill speed things up!!!I aCtivate Turn Jump!!! It’s effect is!!

Move the turn count forward by 6 turns. All cards on the field are treated as having had their effect(s) active for three full turns for both players. The turn in which this card is activated continues as normal. So My Ancient Gear Ultimate Golem is now on the field and both of us gains 6 more cards since we move to 6 tuns!!!

Ancient Gear Ultimate Golem – 4400 ATK and Activate Ancient Gear Castle!!!!!


Kaiba – but that monster is still 100 ATK pts short to destroy my! Blue eyes Ultimate Dragon?


Crowler – No matter! Now My Golem!!!attack his Blue Eyes!!

Kaiba – are you insane your monster is going to be destroyed!!!

Crowler – No im not!!!Ancient Gear Castle! Increases all Ancient Gears ATK by 300!!!So my Golem Now has!!!4700 ATK pts!!!!And might I recall that! No spell and trap cards! Can be activated on my opponents side if a Ancient Gear Ultimate Golem ATTACKS!!!!So Say Good Bye to that Dragon!!!!


Kaiba – Clever!!!


K 2800

C 1500


Crowler – Now I End my turn…


Kaiba – Well Lets end this duel!!!I activate!!!!Dian Keto The Cure Monster!!!


K – 3800

C – 1500


Crowler – You just Increase you life points? How can you survive my golem’s Attack at the next turn?


Kaiba – Im not done! Now I activate! Monster Reborn to return my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon to the field!


Crowler – But that monster is 200 ATK points short to destroy my golem?


Kaiba – I don’t need him to attack!Now I activate Mystic Wok and tribute dragon to increase my lifepoints by 4500!

K 8300

C 1500

Crowler – your just constantly increasing your life points how can that help you?


Kaiba well like this! Reveal my face down! My ring of destruction! I just select 1 mosnter and tribute it to ring of destruction and both of us suffer damage equal to that monster’s ATK!!!pts


Crowler – No!!!Mamamamia!!!!!


K – 3600

C – 0


Kaiba – You’re a strong opponent! Crowler I admire your skills for that!^_^

Crowler – Thank you sir!!!

Kaiba – To be honest! I wanted to have this duel! To see the full potential of the Ancient Gears! Specially the Ancient Gear Ultimate Golem! Thank you for this marvelous duel!

Crowler – It is an honor sir!

Kaiba – And Oh What was that your gonna give?

Bomaparte – This Sir! A Blue Eyes White Dragon Cake

Crowler – yes sir we baked that just for you

Kaiba – why thank you!


Meanwhile At Duel Tech’s Pier



??? – Sir We have arrived at Tech…

Arkana – Excellent.


Todays episode was sure a handful! But who is this Arkana guys what does he need in Duel Tech? Find out in the next exciting episode of Yugioh Advaned Chronicles

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Awesome Episode 3' date=' i'm going to keep watching this



Thank you Atomix. I have more time because I got out at 12 today due to exams and the same goes for Mon. Tues and Wed and then...SUMMER BREAK!!!!! ChronosCrowler is helping me with this as well and I'm sure he'll appreciate your comment

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Interesting... It seems to have all the character's from yugioh! Yugioh! GX and yugioh! 5Ds.


Plus some other characters....


All living together at duel academy (I assume) nonetheless. ^_^


I'd like to see where it goes, and if yugi himself makes an appearance. ^_^

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Interesting... It seems to have all the character's from yugioh! Yugioh! GX and yugioh! 5Ds.


Plus some other characters....


All living together at duel academy (I assume) nonetheless. ^_^


I'd like to see where it goes' date=' and if yugi himself makes an appearance. ^_^



Actually the school is called Duel Tech but it's like duel academy

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Interesting... It seems to have all the character's from yugioh! Yugioh! GX and yugioh! 5Ds.


Plus some other characters....


All living together at duel academy (I assume) nonetheless. ^_^


I'd like to see where it goes' date=' and if yugi himself makes an appearance. ^_^



Actually the school is called Duel Tech but it's like duel academy


oh, okay. thats starting to make more sense now... ^_^

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