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spooky scary skeletons

Chu The Shooting star

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skeleton warrior of corin:

level:4  attribute:dark  type:zombie

attack: 1800 defence: 0         effect: when this card destroys a monster you can send the top 3 cards of your deck to the graveyard.



Skeleton beast:

Level:4  attribute:dark  type:zombie-tuner

attack:1500  defence: 100             

effect:when this card is sent to the graveyard by a card effect,you can add one "corin's skeleton lair" to your hand and one monster on your field gains 300 attack points. (this card cannot be brought back from the graveyard).


Skeleton Donkey

level: 4   attribute: dark   type: zombie

when this card is destroyed in battle or by card effect, choose one monster card on the field.that card gains 500 attack points. when this card attacks the monster its attacking loses 300 attack points.


Skeleton dog

level: 1    attribute: dark    type: zombie

attack:300   defence:0

effect: if this card is sent to the graveyard due to a tribute, (syncro, xyz, link) summon or card effect you can choose one monster on the field. that monsters attack points become 500.

skeleton alien

level:1   attribute: dark      type: zombie-tuner

Attack:200   defence:0

effect:when this card is destroyed in battle or sent to the graveyard by a card effect you can choose one monster you control, that monsters attack points become 2000 until the end of your turn.(cannot be brought back from the graveyard).


skeleton pilot

level:1   attribute:dark   type:zombie

attack:200  defence:100

effect:when this card enters play you can send the top 2 cards of your deck to the graveyard to summon 1 level 4 or below skeleton monster from your deck or hand in attack mode.

skeleton elevator-------Quick play spell

choose one level 4 or below skeleton monster you control, that monster is destroyed. you can choose 2 cards in your opponents hand. those cards are sent to YOUR graveyard.


orin's skeleton lair---------field spell

once per turn when a skeleton monster is sent to the graveyard due to a card EFFECT you can choose one card on the field. remove that card from play

Skeleton executioner------synchro

level:5   attribute:dark   type:zombie

attack:1900  defence:300

effect: once per turn you can discard 1 card. this card gains 300 attack points. when this card is destroyed in BATTLE your opponent must discard 3 cards.


Skeleton dragon bindu corin

level: 7   attribute: dark    type:zombie

attack: 2000 defence:0

when this card is in attack mode your opponent cannot activate traps or spells. if a skeleton monster is sent to the graveyard when this card is on the field your opponent takes 300 points of damage.


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