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New to this site and wanted to show of my first few cards!

SmoothBoi 06

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Heya! im a newbie to this site and i wanted to show off some of my first cards!

I based them off of Dragon quest 3, Future card Buddyfight, and Shin Megami Tensei !

There may be a few typos and spelling errors since i made most of these during an all nighter but i hope you still enjoy them and tell me what to do to improve

my card making skills!


DQ3 Hocus Pocus.png

DQ3 Male Warrior.png

DQ3 Zoma.png







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16 hours ago, SmoothBoi 06 said:

Heya! im a newbie to this site and i wanted to show off some of my first cards!

I based them off of Dragon quest 3, Future card Buddyfight, and Shin Megami Tensei !

There may be a few typos and spelling errors since i made most of these during an all nighter but i hope you still enjoy them and tell me what to do to improve

my card making skills!


DQ3 Hocus Pocus.png

Perfect Dice card, love to see it!

DQ3 Male Warrior.png

Just wish this was level 4, other than that solid!

DQ3 Zoma.png

..."Baramos..." you control.

"During the battle phase, negate all effects that increase the ATK/DEF of monsters your opponent controls. If this card is destroyed by battle: You can add 1 DARK Dragon from your deck to your hand.

Simple gramer correction, decent floodgate!


For the 2nd effect, you can just say "Shuffle 3 monsters from your GY into the deck" Would love its stats to be a little higher and to be able to target either player's GY but its fine as is.


I would recommend lowering the discard to 1 for the boost effect, but other than that its nice!


"discard 2 monsters" don't have to say from your hand, same with second effect "Once per turn: You can discard 1 monster; destroy 1 monster your opponent controls" I like that you can even repedidly tribute this card or use it as link fodder.


Would love to see "Dragon Wizard Drum"!


Hopefuly this only last until the end of the turn also "For the rest of the turn while your LP are 5000 or less and you would tribute cards to activate monster effects, you can tribute cards your opponent controls as if you controlled them." would be how I would do it I think. Cool effect.


A true classic!

Text added in quote, absolutely love this!

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