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Call From The Grave

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This is just a deck out of severe boredom between GCSEs...




Despair From The Dark X2

Vampire Genesis X2

Vampire Lord X3


Pyramid Turtle X3

Giant Rat X3

Master Kyonshee X2

Regenerating Mummy X2

Spirit Reaper X1

Double Coston X2




Call Of The Mummy X3

Book Of Life X3

Premature Burial X1

Tribute To The Doomed X2

Card Of Safe Return X1

Mystical Space Typhoon X1

Heavy Storm X1

Reload X1




Torrential Tribute X1

Malevolent Catastrophe X1

Sakuretsu Armor X2

Magic Jammer X2

Trap Jammer X1


Total cards:40 unless i miscounted...


suggestions and critique welcomed muchly


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-2 Vampire Genesis

-3 Vampire lord

-1 Giant rat

-2 Master kyonshee

-2 Regenerating mummy

-2 Double coston


-2 Call of the mummy

-2 Tribute to the doomed

-1 Reload


-1 Malevolent catastrophe

-2 Magic jammer

-1 Trap jammer


21 out...


+1 Despair from the dark

+2 Ryu kokki

+2 Il blud

+3 Zombie master

+2 Goblin zombie


+2 Card of safe return

+2 Trade-in

+2 Allure of darkness

+1 Monster reborn

+1 Smashing ground


+3 Solemn judgment


21 in!


Hope this helps- you may not have half these cards at your disposal but aim for something like the above. Crush card virus would be nice too in which case just take out a sakuretsu armor.

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Nice deck.....

I suggest for hard tournament:

add: Nobleman, Lightning vortex and pot of avarice

out: 1 magic jammer, 1 call of the mummy and reload


maybe give a try on "Ante" (spell card). It should work pretty cool with despair of the dark and vampire genesis

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