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Rebirth of Zombies

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Ive decided after watching resident evil to make a standard zombie deck for fun. I have the general layout but i just need some help finishing it



3x Zombie Master

3x Goblin Zombie

3x Pyramid Turtle

3x Ryu Kokki

1x Il Bud

1x Spirit Reaper

2x Cyber Dragon

2x Vampires Curse

2x Vampire Lord

2x Giant Rat


3x CoSR

3x Book of Life

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature bruial

1x Heavy Storm

2x Creature Swap

2x Allure of Darkness


3x Solemn Judgment

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute


This is the first draft so fixes can still be added

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It may be worth using 2 giant rats to help search for the pyramid turtles, then you can play with a creature swap or 2, as you can gain advantage by giving them either a turtle or rat. If you want then you can play with both CCV and DDV, then there's the option of using plague wolf, as this can be tributed for either virus when you use it's effect. I once used veil of darkness for zombies- it isn't great but it can be useful to ditch any zombies you draw which can then be rezzed with books, zombie masters etc. Despair from the dark is a nice one to use, despite looking below average at face value, it's an awesome counter to the rise of CCV, discard material for zombie master, and interacts with trade-in. Finally, (bet you didnt see this coming) allure of darkness- yes it puts zombies out of play where you DON'T want them, but it gives you more drawing power and usually you can find something to drop EG a ryu kokki.


Those are just my thoughts ^^

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You could do with a Call Of The Mummy Spell. Lets you summon something like Ryu Kokki straightfrom your hand (whoop ^_^)

and add a real killer Zombie like Despair from the Dark or the Vampire Lord/Genesis combo


thats my first impression


First of all, Call of the Mummy doesn't really help Zombie Swarm decks like this, second of all, Despair from the Dark really doesn't work here, as it has to be discarded by the effect of your opponent's card effect, thirdly, Vampire Genesis really sucks IMO...


Hm, you could add Undead World, when it comes out in the TCG eventually, hm, Disk Commander/Vampire Lord maybe?

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