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Psychic Trick (Lock Please and thank you)


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I won't be talking about Jedi Mind Tricks if this why you came (George won't let me tell how its done)


Though for the new Psychic monsters coming out very soon, I noticed something that bugged me: Most of their effects require you pay 500, 800 or 1000 Life Points to be effective. So how do you fix it?


With 1-2x Life Absorbing Machine on the field, which restores your life equal to how much life you payed last turn so, if I payed 2000 Life last turn I would regain 1000, and with two out I would regain how much I spent that last turn :)

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Stick to the Jedi Mind Trick.


:waves hand at opponent:

"You will not attack me this duel and just draw and discard"


@ Flame Dragon:

I don't think you quite understand, heres how many times the cost shows up when you play with Psychics:

1| 100x (500)

3| 500

4| 800

2| 1000


As with these guys your Life Points, MATTER. They request you pay Life Points to use them to their full advantage and the psychics only have 4 cards that involve healing your life points:

- Magical Android

- Psycho Healing

- Mental Sphere Daemon

- Though-Guided Force


With Life Absorbing Machine, you are basically either cutting in half or virtually paying nothing for their effects which does help in the long run, because if you don't pay for their effects you are basically playing a deck where most of your monsters are Vanilla-Dorks.


Also this is Strategy, which involves:

1. The science and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war.

2. The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of large-scale combat operations.

2. A plan of action resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal. See synonyms at plan.

3. The art or skill of using stratagems in endeavors such as politics and business.


Which is why Yu-Gi-Oh is a "Strategy" game.

I'm done :)

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Yeah, it's strategy, but it's also the most basic and bloody obvious strategy ever. HAY GUYZ I AM PAY LOTSA COST I UZE CARD DAT HALP ME WEN EYE PAI COZTZ

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So your going to stop arguing Crab, K? K.


It was merely a underused card I was pointing out that I wanted to enlighten my fellow duelists on, as the simplest combo can be the most devastating.


~Thread Ended~

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ugh the constant use of the word strategy makes me think ITS STRAGADY... or something like that, lol ANY how the biggest problem with Life Absorbing Machine one its a trap, two there are probably more efficient ways to gain life points that might actually make you have MORE life points rather then just the same, cards like spell absorbtion and others. last i of all people can appreciate underrated cards but this card is underrated for a reason, and that reason is its not good, even in sittuations that it could be decent there are better sollutions to the problem.


also what your talking about is a solution to a stratagy not a stratagy. granted if you went by the dictoral meaning of stratagy then yes it is a stratagy and, but as crab stated so plainly, its basic completly basic. finnaly yugioh is not a game of stratagy, yugioh is a game of luck, and the point of deck building is to get rid of the luck, even if you had the best deck in the work it is still posible to get screwed. thus it is always completly reliant on luck. when it comes to yugioh its luck first stratagy second.

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