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Pokémon Splice Splicer's Club: Second Biggest Active Club On YCM!


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You might need to rephrase that Raelen, food is what gives us energy. If he was absorbing energy e.g/ magnetic rays, and then making that enrgey into his own energy, fair enough but turning energy into food is what vegetables do for us. Nice Splice Collection by the way, I just took a peek and I liked it.

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repeat sentace to yourself a few times...



Ok now thats enough. THEY'RE GIANT WALKING ROCKS!!!!! How can ROCKS be like plants ???


Registeel is a metal

Regice is a giant hunk of moving ice.


The other one (who's name is to complicated to state) is the only giant walking rock.

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You might need to rephrase that Raelen' date=' food is what gives us energy. If he was absorbing energy e.g/ magnetic rays, and then making that enrgey into his own energy, fair enough but turning energy into food is what vegetables do for us. Nice Splice Collection by the way, I just took a peek and I liked it.



Hey, if I was a science geek, I wouldn't be into Pokemon.

Pokemon = unscientific

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repeat sentace to yourself a few times...



Ok now thats enough. THEY'RE GIANT WALKING ROCKS!!!!! How can ROCKS be like plants ???


Registeel is a metal

Regice is a giant hunk of moving ice.


The other one (who's name is to complicated to state) is the only giant walking rock.


I stand corrected... Regirock is a rock... WHATS REGIGIGAS THEN... A LUMP OF FROZEN STEEL ROCK

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Just a question. If I made a shop' date=' would any of you be willing to work for me?





Edit: New sheet. Some are old, but 5 of them haven't been posted yet. I personally like the last, Mecharch.



Moonsnatch - Darkrai+Giratina

Zappclowd - Altaria+Weavile

Esophoburst - Exploud

Ghastly Costume - Voltorb+Ghastly

Armaquil - Stunky+Volbeat+Spiritomb

Mewdusk - Mewtwo+Duskull

Shokshade - Rotom+Duskull

Stonetrunk - Bonsly+Geodude

Mecharch - Registeel+Heatran+Magnemite+Magneton

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