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And I'm singin this


Your rise and fall

Back up against the wall

What goes around is coming back and haunting you

It’s time to quit

Cause you ain’t worth the s***

Under my shoes or the piss on the ground


No one loves you and you know it

Don’t pretend that you enjoy it or you don’t care

Cause now I wouldn’t lie or tell

You all the things you want to hear

I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you


I heard you’re sick

Sucked on that cancer stick

A throbbing tumor and a radiation high

s*** out of luck

And now your time is up

It brings me pleasure just to know you’re going to die


Dickhead' date=' fuckface, cock smoking, mother f***ing,

a******, dirty twat, waste of semen, I hope you die hey


Red eye, code blue

I’d like to strangle you

And watch your eyes bulge right out of your skull

When you go down

Head first into the ground

I’ll stand above you just to piss on your grave





Platypus(I Hate You).


Sorry, Ωmega, forgot your atheist.

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And me singing this:


Hallelujah Chorus Hymn

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


The kingdom of this world

Is become the kingdom of our Lord' date='

And of His Christ, and of His Christ;

And He shall reign for ever and ever,

For ever and ever, forever and ever,


King of kings, and Lord of lords,

King of kings, and Lord of lords,

And Lord of lords,

And He shall reign,

And He shall reign forever and ever,

King of kings, forever and ever,

And Lord of lords,

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


And He shall reign forever and ever,

King of kings! and Lord of lords!

And He shall reign forever and ever,

King of kings! and Lord of lords!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!




Sorry, Ωmega, forgot your atheist.


I like that song. A piece of music actually written by a genius. (You don't hear much of that nowadays.)

Yeah, I'm a music nut.

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lol dat ones prety good

plus Ωmega what is athiest? is it where u dont belive in any god?

i thought slowbro was psychic *confused and scratches head*


anyway here are my quick versions of angel-devil gardivor



Don't you mean Galade?

yea sorry i did mean galade

i was tired

and MrJeff good splicing like the serviper one :)

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Thiest - Full believer in God.

Agnostic - Doesn't necessarily fall in either category, but will believe if there is scientific/perfect proof that it is so.

Athiest - Won't and will never believe, proof or no proof.


That's the things for you.


Might get my Christmas thing done tomorrow. xD

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It's basic.




Anyway, I need some help. For a game storyline I'm writing, and spriting, I need 6 main villainous teams.

I already have 3, Team Sith (Lead by Darth Vader) Team Fire Nation (Led by Zuko, unshowcased) and Cipher (Lead by Greevis)

If you have any ideas for another 3 teams, please post them.

I have 3 rules thought

1: The team must be an Army/team that is featured on TV, but not related to Pokemon.

2: You must provide the leader of the team.

3: You must provide basic members of the team that must all be the same. (for example: Rocket Grunts. I'm using Stormtroopers for Vader and Fire Nation soldiers for the Fire Nation.)

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Ok, I propose Team Mario. There was a really old Mario tv show. Lumas are more recent than that, but does it just have to be the leader featured in the show?


Team Mario

Leader - Mario

Basic Members - Toads, Yoshis, or Lumas, whichever you choose




Team Kirby

Leader - Kirby

Basic Members - Waddle Dees


Could there be a 2nd in command? If there were that would be cool, like having Starkiller as 2nd in command for Team Sith.

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