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Pokémon Splice Splicer's Club: Second Biggest Active Club On YCM!


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I'm in as a guest now, I think it was because I said the host sucks which 1. Is true and 2. Isn't a reason for ban.

That's the only thing that was remotely bad that I did....


EDIT: He banned me because I said 'The host of this site sucks' He thought I was talking about him when I was really adressing the host of the site, MyBB

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Hey! I am finally back from Thanksgiving!


Cory' date=' those recolors are amazing. What method of recolor do you use?



There's more than one method? I take the color picker in paint and make a palate of a pokemon's colors, then I find another pokemon with the same number of colors in a palate. Like Regirock has 5 shades in its rocks, and 6 on its main body. So I take Shiny Metagross's main body color, make a palate, and line it up with Regirock's. Then I use the eraser to erase the specific colors with the corresponding colors. Then I find another pokemon for the 5 shade rocks, like Sceptile or Forretress, and repeat. I had no idea there was more than one method though. Care to share?



There's 3 that I know of;

1. Your method

2. Dumpbucket method. (The hardest one. Make the color templates then use the dumpbucket tool to fill in the colors that are being recolored)

3. Speed method. No detail.


Lol, I use the dumpbucket method. And I create the palates after I recolor the Pokemon.




Darth Gallade.


I'm working on the cape' date=' I don't know how to get a good type of shading.



... Um... Now all of my Gallade splices seem suckish and un-epic T_T. Cool splice though. I love Star Wars and Gallade rocks!


Hey guys found this pic on the internet and thought it might start banner ideas.






like i said i thought it was a cool art type sprite thingy.


and sbamber so i dont double post am i in the club or not cause im not on the list if im in plz add me.


... Um... you can make pictures from splices?


Meh' date=' another prototype splice. It'll get better soon.






Comes from the German phrase Bewegende Erde which means Moving Earth


Water/Ground Type


Catch at Level 75 with moveset:





Hydro Cannon


Frenzy Plant---Lv 85

Blast Burn---Lv 90


Yeah' date=' but I'll wait til he gets on. In the meantime:




Awesome Splice.

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This pokemon was a great warrior who was in a fight with a Marowack. This was no ordanary Marowack, though. He was just as great as this Umbreon. They fought and fought. It was a great battle that lasted 3 days. During the last day, this Marowack use his bone toss on Umbreon's leg. It hit directly and broke the bone in half. Umbreon recoiled, but wasn't out. Umbreon was on its back when Marowack tried to finish this battle. Marowack came up too close to this Umbreon. It sprung its back legs, launching the Marowack into the air 50 feet high. Marowack came down with a thud. He instatly fainted when he hit the ground. Since there was no one to heal him, he died. Umbreon limped over, took its skull- which was its mothers skull, for as a Marowack gives birth, the mother dies and the baby Cubone's skull is too soft. So it takes its mothers- and Umbreon took Marowack's throwing bone to use as a splint for its broken leg. Umbreon's leg will never heal though.




Hope you like splice and story. :)

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This pokemon was a great warrior who was in a fight with a Marowack. This was no ordanary Marowack' date=' though. He was just as great as this Umbreon. They fought and fought. It was a great battle that lasted 3 days. During the last day, this Marowack use his bone toss on Umbreon's leg. It hit directly and broke the bone in half. Umbreon recoiled, but wasn't out. Umbreon was on its back when Marowack tried to finish this battle. Marowack came up too close to this Umbreon. It sprung its back legs, launching the Marowack into the air 50 feet high. Marowack came down with a thud. He instatly fainted when he hit the ground. Since there was no one to heal him, he died. Umbreon limped over, took its skull- which was its mothers skull, for as a Marowack gives birth, the mother dies and the baby Cubone's skull is too soft. So it takes its mothers- and Umbreon took Marowack's throwing bone to use as a splint for its broken leg. Umbreon's leg will never heal though.




Hope you like splice and story. :)



Nice idea for a splice! I like it!^_^

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This pokemon was a great warrior who was in a fight with a Marowack. This was no ordanary Marowack' date=' though. He was just as great as this Umbreon. They fought and fought. It was a great battle that lasted 3 days. During the last day, this Marowack use his bone toss on Umbreon's leg. It hit directly and broke the bone in half. Umbreon recoiled, but wasn't out. Umbreon was on its back when Marowack tried to finish this battle. Marowack came up too close to this Umbreon. It sprung its back legs, launching the Marowack into the air 50 feet high. Marowack came down with a thud. He instatly fainted when he hit the ground. Since there was no one to heal him, he died. Umbreon limped over, took its skull- which was its mothers skull, for as a Marowack gives birth, the mother dies and the baby Cubone's skull is too soft. So it takes its mothers- and Umbreon took Marowack's throwing bone to use as a splint for its broken leg. Umbreon's leg will never heal though.




Hope you like splice and story. :)





Even worthy of my Umbreon army.

All better:








Darth Gallade.


I'm working on the cape' date=' I don't know how to get a good type of shading.





@CoryDarkStar' date=' It is Ursaring's palate.


@Zeroshot, very nice. "Darth Gallade." :lol: Gallade is one of my favorite pokemon. lol


Grorarious I





As an intermediate pokemon trainer was walking though a remote island, he stumbled upon this. He tried and tried to catch it, but eventually caught it with his last poke'ball. This trainer wasn't any trainer, though. He was a pokemon scientist. As he was testing on it, Team Rocket broke into his lab. They stole his pokemon! They noticed it lacked speed. But they knew he had amazing psychic abilities. It was very gifted in attack and defense, special attack, and special defense. They took it to their scientists. The scientist tortured this unique pokemon. And they are coming on somthing new. They named this pokemon; Grorarious I. The first because they are remaking this pokemon.








Both very nice!!

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This pokemon was a great warrior who was in a fight with a Marowack. This was no ordanary Marowack' date=' though. He was just as great as this Umbreon. They fought and fought. It was a great battle that lasted 3 days. During the last day, this Marowack use his bone toss on Umbreon's leg. It hit directly and broke the bone in half. Umbreon recoiled, but wasn't out. Umbreon was on its back when Marowack tried to finish this battle. Marowack came up too close to this Umbreon. It sprung its back legs, launching the Marowack into the air 50 feet high. Marowack came down with a thud. He instatly fainted when he hit the ground. Since there was no one to heal him, he died. Umbreon limped over, took its skull- which was its mothers skull, for as a Marowack gives birth, the mother dies and the baby Cubone's skull is too soft. So it takes its mothers- and Umbreon took Marowack's throwing bone to use as a splint for its broken leg. Umbreon's leg will never heal though.




Hope you like splice and story. :)



Nice idea for a splice! I like it!^_^


Thanks. lol I just went to a pokemon splice generator and clicked the random bottom. Then it all flowed in.


Did you notice his eyes. Well, probably not it is pretty small. I took out Marowack's eyes, and positioned it so it looks like Umbreon's eyes are looking through it. lol


(I think Grorarious I's head is pretty bad, though.)







This pokemon was a great warrior who was in a fight with a Marowack. This was no ordanary Marowack' date=' though. He was just as great as this Umbreon. They fought and fought. It was a great battle that lasted 3 days. During the last day, this Marowack use his bone toss on Umbreon's leg. It hit directly and broke the bone in half. Umbreon recoiled, but wasn't out. Umbreon was on its back when Marowack tried to finish this battle. Marowack came up too close to this Umbreon. It sprung its back legs, launching the Marowack into the air 50 feet high. Marowack came down with a thud. He instatly fainted when he hit the ground. Since there was no one to heal him, he died. Umbreon limped over, took its skull- which was its mothers skull, for as a Marowack gives birth, the mother dies and the baby Cubone's skull is too soft. So it takes its mothers- and Umbreon took Marowack's throwing bone to use as a splint for its broken leg. Umbreon's leg will never heal though.




Hope you like splice and story. :)





Even worthy of my Umbreon army.


I give you permission to use Umbrone if you want.

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Can anyone tell me where to get the razor claw or whatever it is that makes Sneazel evolve?


Victory Road' date=' the path at the end that was blocked by the fat dude. You got the chick with Arcanine to help you, but you have to lose her first to use surf to get to it.



Wrong! Go into Victory Road from the Leauge Building side. Rock Climb down the wall. Turn left and go up the path. Turn left at the old dude. Follow the path to the end (not very long, like 15-20 paces) and go down the path until you find an item ball. It contains the razor claw.

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