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Pokémon Splice Splicer's Club: Second Biggest Active Club On YCM!


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Im making Group Called Mutant Masters. I will give back ground storys of them all. They can all also be caught. Here is the first one.



Name: Joe Kidios

Nickname: "The Grace"

What Happened: He was trapped in a cave of butterfrees for nine years. He lived off theyre flesh meaning he eat so much dna he lost arms and gained wings. He freed himself using his wings by flying to the top exit of the cave.

Pokemon: Butterfreex3 Venonatx3

Win: Feel my graceful fury!

Lose: My wings!

Catch: Failed Grace..

Moves: Graceful Kick, Graceful Wings, Fly, Whirlwind of Grace.

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If you want to join make your pokemon less lagged!

P.S. more revamps!

they're fun you guys should try it!


if you guys want to request one try to choose one that looked retarded so it will look funny when I revamp it thats what i'm doing



Tiger Wrote: ^ Not a real person.


You still have not answered my question. Why are all the points at 0?



Because something went wrong with the point system

and somebody suggested that Sbamber should restart everybodys points.

P.S. I saw you in the real pokemon post.



I did' date=' its much better



true I cant wait until i get all my well deserved points

and on photobucket somebody stole my sprite!

grr. but that person isn't on here.

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