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Pokémon Splice Splicer's Club: Second Biggest Active Club On YCM!


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02/15 - tPSSS is now open!

01/11 - Now Affiliated with Gaia Online Discussion

01/10 - Now Affiliated with Pokemon Organization

01/10 - tPSSCOSOTW is being done by Zeroshot

12/14 - Now Affiliates with Pokemon Discussion Corner

12/13 - New Forums

12/06 - Requirements Updated

11/24 - New Forums! New link in profile!

11/11 - Updated First Post

11/11 - Ranks Updated

11/07 - New SpOTW! MEGAFIREDOOM is the winner for this week, congrats!

10/20 - New SpOTW! MEGAFIREDOOM is the winner for this week, congrats!

10/19 - Ranks Updated

09/27 - Now Affiliated with Digimon Alliance

09/27 - NEW Website! Link in Profile!

09/27 - Now Affiliated with PokeSplice Role Play Organization

09/21 - Now Affiliated with Pokemon Legacies YCM Edition

09/20 - Ranks Updated

09/16 - New Ranking system

09/16 - New Rank! Contest Helpers

09/04 - Awesome new slogan, thanks to Mikaeo

08/31 - Points Reset!

08/31 - Members Replaced

08/30 - Updated First Post!

08/30 - Mow Affiliated with Pokemon Onyx/Jade

08/29 - Now Affiliated with The Duel Monster Alliance

08/29 - Now Taking in Affiliates!

08/27 - Now accepting members again!

05/19 - Club Opened



[spoiler=Requirements to join]

1. Must have 100+ Posts

2. No Neg reps from Stealing

3. Must have made 5+ Splices/Recolors

4. Must save as .PNG (Any member who hasen't will be asked to, if not done, you may not join the club)





**Anybody caught using any of Pokemon Splice Splicers Club member's Recolor, Splices, or Sprites will be reported and NEG-REPED 3 TIMES! Also I have changed what I have said before. I'm sorry to whoever I have insulted or anything. I will now allow you to make your own clubs. But yes, I will still report and negative rep you if you spam in my club, steal, or engage in arguing over nothing! Also, any member/non-member that comes into the club and spams or says things not relivent to Pokemon/Pokemon Splicing will be negative reped 3 times, NO exceptions. If you are somebody that gets neg reped and revenges reps me back will be neg reped 2 more times and reported to a Super Mod for further consequences**



[spoiler=Wish to become an Affiliate?]

Well, here is our chance! Just fill this out.


What is your club, rp, etc?:

Name or club, rp, etc:


Will you post our club in the FIRST page of your club, rp, etc?:







What we are about:

We, Pokemon Splice Splicers Club, is about creating Pokemon splices and awarding them with Signatures, and banners, avatars, etc.


Official Club Rules:

1. NO steeling splices - TOP RULE

2. NO spamming

3. NO Flairing

4. NO No abusing users, in and out of the club - Will result in ban from club



Sbamber - Rank9.jpg

Spleko - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Mikaeo - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Supershade - Rank6.jpg

God Splice - Rank7.jpg

Mew 101 - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Dhpo - Rank6.jpg

El Beasto Perezoso - Rank7.jpg

~TwIsTeD~ - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Monohawks - Rank7.jpg

Jadewiz - Rank5.jpg

Spirit of Stardust - Rank7.jpg

jak199 - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Superbull - Rank7.jpg

Psychic Storm - Rank5.jpg

Zac08 - Rank5.jpg

ShadowStriker08 - Rank4.jpg

Buffer - Rank7.jpg

RUSS - Rank6.jpg

The One to Win - Rank7.jpg

D-Lock - Rank5.jpg

Ωmega - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Machovict - Rank5.jpg

mou100 - Rank7.jpg

monkeybuoy2 - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Tiger - Rank7.jpg

SquirtlemanRules - DEorREVAMP-14.png

csaman3 - Rank7.jpg

darkhearthero - Rank4.jpg

WoW Maker - Rank3.jpg

megafiredoom - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Zeroshot - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Overheat29 - Rank5.jpg

BlackLusterSoldier76 - Rank2.jpg

XDRangePureX - Rank5.jpg

「Synthiea」 - Rank7.jpg

SoulStealer - Rank2.jpg

07jamesd - Rank6.jpg

Zack12354 - Rank1.jpg

woodmouse - Rank2.jpg

voncsent - Rank1.jpg

Darmekhanu - Rank1.jpg

X-31 Fighter - Rank1.jpg

Shradow - Rank1.jpg

Raelen - Rank6.jpg

Blood Rose - Rank3.jpg

Spire - Rank7.jpg

~Rebellious Rage~ - DEorREVAMP-14.png

Snitch - Rank4.jpg

Zaca - Rank3.jpg

topmatthew - Rank1.jpg

Ace of spades - Rank1.jpg

SoulTheif - Rank1.jpg

Lord Whitey - Rank1.jpg

Prince-AZ3 - Rank1.jpg


55 Members!





Ranks (and how to level up ranks):

Leader: Rank9.jpg

Rank 8: DEorREVAMP-14.png

Rank 7: Rank7.jpg

Rank 6: Rank6.jpg

Rank 5: Rank5.jpg

Rank 4: Rank4.jpg

Rank 3: Rank3.jpg

Rank 2: Rank2.jpg

Rank 1: Rank1.jpg

-1 Points or less: Banned!


Contest Helpers:

Jak199 - Leader of Contests

Mikaeo - Helper

megafiredoom - Helper


How to level up:

Making Banners with Splices, Splices, Recolors, DeVamps, ReVamp, etc..


[spoiler=Registration Form:]



Make 2 Splices:



BEFORE YOU REGISTER! If you know that you are below average or not a good splicer, join The Pokemon Splice Splicer's School. There we will teach you how to splice. And when you become good you can come and join us, The Pokemon Splicer Splicer's Club, and show off what you have learned.


**The Pokemon Splice Splicer's School is in no way made by me, Sbamber. All credit goes to Raelen.




The Pokemon Splice Splicer School™

The Duel Monster Alliance™

Pokemon Onyx/Jade™

[sXR] GD Team™

Pokemon Legacies YCM Edition™

PokeSplice Role Play Organization™

Digimon Alliance™

Pokemon Discussion Corner™

Pokemon Organization™

Gaia Discussion™

The Great Legion™

Megaman-SH Club™






[spoiler=Requirements to become an Affiliate]

Must have at least 7+ Members

Must have at least 100 Post in the Blub, rp, etc.

Must be active:

Must put my club name on the first page of your club, rp, etc, if I see that it is not, I will not add you to my list.




[spoiler=Splicer Of The Week]

The SpOTW winner is...



Kevlar by megafiredoom












Pokemon Splice Splicers Club is used for the enjoyment of Pokemon Splicing. None of the Sprites are mine. I have used them from http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/


If you have any questions regarding this Disclaimer fill free to send a Personal Message to Sbamber.



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Username: Mikaeo

Avatar: naruto-1.gif

Make 2 Splices:[spoiler= here they are]biggie.pngRalts+Houndoom+Charizard


triplespliceactual.pngAipom+Deoxys (Attack)+Charizard


IcyCharizard.png I made Charizard an Ice-Type using Articuno's colors and custom made new part of tail





untitled.pngCharizard with Abomasnow's colors




charmeleonwithlaprasrecolor.pngCharmeleon with Lapras' colors








You may see double in here from some others I posted.


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Ok I am going to be designing a video game,(not actually making it just comeing up with a story line and what will be in it and stuff) so I will be asigning types and stats and etc. to all my splices that i will include in the game, there will be three starters as always, the growlithe and arceyena with black colors will be the fire starter the squirtle line with the piplup line with the turtwig line will be the water starter and the treeko line w/rotom will be the grass starter, I will be introducing new moves and new typecombonations and new abilities in my game. There will be 2 versions as always and these will be the legends0-Shadoxys-Shineoxys.png

I am wondering which colors look best, the shadoxys is supposed to be a god of darkness who hits quick and hard, while the other is The god of light who uses moves like counter calm mind etc. their basic stats are very good.Also ststa in my game will rech new hights, i dont mean lkike 999 in everything but some of the new poke's will be able to exceed 450 in some or multiple stats however tht will just mean their other stats will be rlly bad an example of a pokemon tht exists like this is blissey(700+hp fr 100-attk).

So plz tell me which coloration of the shineoxys and shadoxys you like and what you think of my game idea, and any one who wants to donate splices are very welcome too.

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I think #1 for Shadoxys is a really good look for it. I think you should use #2 for Shinoxys.


Also, I think in this club we should have splicing tournaments between eachother, and the people who aren't in that spcific round judge the splices.

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I think #1 for Shadoxys is a really good look for it. I think you should use #2 for Shinoxys.


Also' date=' I think in this club we should have splicing tournaments between eachother, and the people who aren't in that spcific round judge the splices.

[/quote']Thanx for the input, i thot the first shadoxys was best 2 but i wanted some more input, also i kinda like the first shineoxys, but im gunna wait for some more input, and yeah i deff. think we should have competitions, tht wuld be awsome

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there are the fossil pokemons fr my game and the last cydra for my game, the cydra's are like the legendary dogs or birds cept theyre all electric, this ones electric fire

0-Cydaflix.png and its name is going to be changed to cydriginis, iginis meaning fire in latin or sumthin like tht

This one is water


Which will be renamed cydragua, agua meaning waterr in latin

And this one is Steel


Cydralamnia, and lamnia means metal in latin

So ya all r electric but w/subtypes

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I think we should challenge eachother for splicing' date=' like on member gives each of the other members a splicing challenge, if we do this then I challenge


Spleko: Seadra+Rotom+Crobat


Sbamber: Rotom+Haunter+Mewtwo


I think this is an amazing idea, however im kinda busy tonight so i kanty do it now and i think, this should be an extra 5 bonus points(towards leveling up)in addition to the normal points for a splice and you only get the points if the challenger likes it, or they could rank it on a 1-10 scale or sumthin and you get those points

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