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[TCG] May 17th Banlist

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Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon (New)
Prank-Kids Meow-Meow-Mu (Was Limited)
Predaplant Verte Anaconda (New)

Jet Synchron (Was Forbidden)
Performapal Monkeyboard (Was Forbidden)
Red Rose Dragon (New)
Yata-Garasu (Was Forbidden)
Crystron Halqifibrax (New)
Shooting Riser Dragon (New)
Change of Heart (Was Forbidden)
Time Seal (Was Forbidden)

Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter (Was Limited)
Cyber Angel Benten (Was Limited)
Fire Formation – Tenki (Was Limited)
Pot of Desires (Was Limited)
Trickstar Light Stage (Was Limited)
Wall of Revealing Light (Was Limited)

Night Assailant (Was Limited)
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (Was Limited)
Salamangreat Miragestallio (Was Limited)
A Hero Lives (Was Semi-Limited)
Salamangreat Circle (Was Semi-Limited)
Scapegoat (Was Semi-Limited)

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While I have some personal preferences like still wanting to see Accesscode banned, at that point it would just be "Ban more." For now, ,this is a very satisfying banlist. I got Auroradon because I'm planning to build Infernoble Knights, but seeing it banned doesn't bother me too much.

Happy to finally be rid of Verte.

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Holy what at Change of Heart? Is it getting an errata? Some of these are long time coming (Verte, Time Seal, etc). Yata probably won't see play. Have to consider it's more troublesome to pull off the lock but at the same time, it probably shouldn't have been unbanned just for the premise of the card.

14 hours ago, Phantom Roxas said:

While I have some personal preferences like still wanting to see Accesscode banned, at that point it would just be "Ban more." For now, ,this is a very satisfying banlist. I got Auroradon because I'm planning to build Infernoble Knights, but seeing it banned doesn't bother me too much.

Happy to finally be rid of Verte.

I kind of get it with Accesscode. It can kind of win you the game or turn it around for you on its own on top of being quite easy to make and almost any Deck able to use it.

Some are good (Verte, Time Seal), some are a step in the right direction (Halq's still strong at 1 though and Desires should be at 3), but some are questionable (Change of Heart, Benten, Yata and Trishula maybe too).

We'll see.

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