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Neos Ray Blaster [Written]

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Neos Ray Blaster
Quickplay Spell Card
Destroy 1 card your opponent controls, then, if you control "Elemental HERO Neos" or a Fusion monster that list "Elemental HERO Neos" as Fusion Material, destroy up to 2 cards your opponent controls instead. You must either control no monsters or all face-up monsters you control are "HERO" and/or "Neo-Spacian" monsters to resolve this effect. You can only activate 1 "Neos Ray Blaster" per turn.

Inspired by this tweet.


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Damn, I thought it was inspired by me, but it was a random "Ray". Anywho, since I'm here, let's make a comment, even though I'm aware Thomas doesn't reply to stuff:

I've been disconnected from YGO in the past months due to IRL matters, so I can't tell if Konami has gone even more drastic with their effects. If they haven't, then this card seems somewhat overpowered. Sure, the card's balance is supposed to lie in its archetypal dependence and/or the lack of mobs on field, but it still doesn't seem justified as you're going to run this card in an Elemental NEOS Deck, so it will available for use almost all the time. So we have an auto mega MST that can take down monsters as well, and even two cards in certain circumstances, this for no cost at all. Pretty violent if you ask me. IDK, I'm no expert, but it's my opinion this card is right on the line between balanced and OP

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