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1/3 of my decks

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here are 3 of my decks


1 machine


Normal Monsters


V-Tiger Jet x1

X-head cannon x1

Baby Dragon

Giga tech wolf


Effect monsters

Cyber Pheonix x1

Gear Golem the moving fortress x1

Cyber lazer dragon x1

cyber barrier dragon x1

cyber dragon x2

proto cyber dragon x3

W-Wing Caterpult

Y-Dragon head

Z-metal tank

Ancient gear knight x1

Ancient gear golem x1

Cannon soldier x1

Heavy mech support platform x1

rescuroid x1

Ancient gear x2

time wizzard x1

steamroid x1


spell card



graceful charity (unfortunatly banned.) x1

premature burial x1

centrigual field x1

de-spell x1

giant trunade x1

limiteral remover x1

power bond x1

magical mallet x1

cybernetic zone x1

pot of avarice x1

photon generator unit x1

re-fusion x1

weapon change x1

rush recklassly x1


trap cards


wonder gate x1

waboku x1

no entry!! x1

Attack reflector unit x1

call of the haunted x2


fusion monsters


cyber twin dragon x1

cyber end dragon x1

laberinth tank x1

ambulance rescue roid x1

thaousand dragon x1

vwxyz dragon catup[ult cannon

xyz dragon cttapult

vw dragon cannon


hope u like

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