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Jupaku [written]


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Jupaku-10 Nights Justice

rank 6


2+ level 6 EARTH, Warrior, or Synchro monsters


Cannot be used as material. You can also XYZ summon this card using any number of "Goyo" synchro monsters and monsters you control owned by your opponent (at least one of each). When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: you can attach that monster to this card as XYZ material. Unaffected by card effects while you control a "Goyo" synchro monster, a monster your opponent controls, and this card has at least 3 XYZ materials. All monsters you control owned by your opponent gain 200 ATK per monster you control owned by your opponent. Once per turn you can detach 3 XYZ material from this card: destroy all monsters your opponent owns, then Special Summon a number of monsters from your opponent's GY up to the number of monsters destroyed in the last battle phase this turn.


Made him pretty fast he could probably use a tune up on grammar. How viable do you think this guy would be?

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