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Chaos Duels

Ultimate Ryan

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Aurgelmir suddenly doen't agree and a barrier is cast around the stadium


(Aurgelmir Draws)

Aurgelmir - %#%$#%#$%#$

Activates Heavy storm

Fenix - Tssk!!!

(The face downs were destroyed on fenix field)

(Sets two card on the spell and trap zone)

(Activates another spell shield crush)

(The set monster was destroyed on fenix field)

-----Currently fenix has no cards on his field-----------

Summons Dark Valkyria in ATK mode

ATK 1800 DEF 1050

-------activates effect-----------

1 spell counter is on Dark Valkyria


---------Then Activates another spell from her hand----------

Sword Of Dark rites : Equip only to a DARK monster. It gains 400 ATK. When the equipped monster is Tributed and this card is sent to the Graveyard, return this card to your hand.


Dark Valkyria

ATK 2200


Aurgelmir - %#$%#$%#%#$

(Valkyria Attacks directly)


Fenix - GAH!!!


Aurgelmir - 4000

Fenix - 1800


Aurgelmir - #$#%#$%@#....E...N...D....

(Aurgelmir has no hand cards)


----------------------Turn End-------------------------

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ooc - not yet...


Kaiba - I will start! Draw! I summon kaibaman in DEF mode and lay 2 cards face-down.

_ _ D _ _

_ D D _ _


Shun - Draw! Summon Evil Hero Assassin


attack your kaibaman!


Kaiba - Activate strke through, now both of our monsters get a direct attack


Kaiba - 2100 Shun - 3800


Shun - one face-down, end.


Kaiba - My turn! Draw! I tribute my kaibaman for Blue eyes, then activate Rapid summon! (you can only activate this card when you succesfully Special Summon a level 8 monster, Special Summon 2 level 4 or lower monsters from your Hand.) I Special Summon Peten the dark clown and Lord of D! Now I tribute them all to summon Obelisk the tormentor!!!


Shun - Good move


Kaiba - That isn't all I also send from my Hand to the Graveyard Crush card virus and the fang of critias to Special Summon Doom Virus Dragon!


Shun - he destroys my assassin.


Kaiba - now my 2 monsters attack directly!


Shun - Magic Cylinder!


*Kaiba disappeared*


Shun - Who's next?!?!

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ooc - ok!

Shuro - Aurgelmir! What did you do! why can't i get out!

Aurgelmir Suddenly glares at shuro! And he's mind was devoured in darkness...

Shuro - Ahhhh!

Aurgelmir -@#$#@$@#$

Shuro opens his eyes...

Shuro - wha! what happen! I can see brother! he's dueling outside! i am right about my feeling!

Shun speaks through Shuro's mind...

Shun - Hello brother...

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OOC: one heavy storm doesnt destroy monsters just S/T's, second i have a counter and THIRD DONT CONTROL MY CHARACTER WITHOUT ME SAYING OK


"I counter your storm with my dark bribe, now you draw 1 card and your storm is negated, by the way you can't attack me directly when I have a monster on the field, Your Dark Valkyrie attacks my shining angel, which allows me to summon 1 light monster with under 1500 attack points". another angel soon took the place of the fallen one. "I choose to summon another Shining Angel, Since you ended its my turn" Fenix said

as he drew one card, "I'll start by summoning a monster known as Chaos-end Master, and then ill send him and my angel to the graveyard to special summon my Light-end Dragon from my extra deck. "Light-end Dragon attack his monster". As Light-end Dragon got closer to the Valkyrie its attack points dropped by 1500, "Did I mention my dragon's effect when he attacks he can drop his attack and defense points by 500 to drop your monsters attack and defense points by 1500 until the end of the turn" He said as his dragon blasted the monster with a ball of light, "I end by placing one card face down".


Light-End Dragon's attack points are back up to 2600


Fenix: 4000

Chaos Mage *Fenix doesnt know her name*: 2600

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