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Chaos Duels

Ultimate Ryan

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Nate: Your Spell's effect triggered my Trap card! Reveal trap Demonic Intervention! This allows me to cancel the effect of your spell and destroy all spell cards on your side of the field only by discarding two cards from my hand. Looks like your fairy lost its ability. Now to begin my turn. *draws* First, I'll flip over my face-down defense position card Demonic Feline Myou (Fiend-type/Dark/level 2/atk 500/def 100)! He allows me to search my deck and put 2 monsters with "Demonic Warrior" in their name in my hand. Next, I'll summon Demonic Warrior Blytze (Fiend-type/Dark/level 4/atk 1000/def 1800)! He has a special ability that allows me to tribute a monster on my side of the field in order to increase his atk by 1000 if it is a level 4 or lower monster and 1500 if it is level 5 or higher. Since Myou is level 2, Blytze's attack becomes 2000 until the end of my turn. Now, Attack!!!


_ _ ∆ _ _

_ _ _ ◊ _ 4000LP


OOC: Take this opportunity to either counter or at least tell me the attack, def, etc of your monster.

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Chain was looking at the board.

Chain: Hm... So it has started. looks like I'm facing Joey Wheeler, I've heard he's a good duelist...

Chain entered the arena.

Joey: hey, I'm facing a pro!

Chain: Of course I am. Let's start.


Chain: 4000

Joey: 4000


C: I'll start. I place 1 monster face-down. And also 2 Spell and Traps.

J: My turn! Let's start by summoning Red-Eyes B. Chick! And then tribute him for Red-Eyes! Attack!

C: Hm... My Masked Dragon is out, but in comes Mutant Dragon and Dark Cyber Dragon.


Chain: 3000

Joey: 4000


C: So, my turn. I'll play Polymerization! And by fusing Dark Cyber Dragon and my two Mutant Dragons, one from my hand, they become Gigadon The Mechanical Dragon King! (6000/4000)! He attacks your Red-Eyes!



Chain: 3000

Joey: 600

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Nate: Good move, I don't have anything right now to destroy it but I'l still attack! Since its still in attack position you still lose 1900 life points and I don't lose any. It's gonna be a real pest, so I'm going to set one more card face-down and end my turn.


_ _ ∆ _ _

_ _ ◊◊ _ 4000 LP

hand: 4


OOC: And why is everyone making their duels against the characters so easy? They should be really hard

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"Looks like I have to start this duel" said Yamashita with an annoyed voice "I'll start by setting 1 monster in DEF mode, but he won't stay for a long time, as I activate "Dark World Lightning", so, I'll destroy my set monster, who happens to be Sangan, and I'll discard "Sillva, Warlord of Dark World"...And due to Sillvas effect, I get to Special Summon him...and let's not forget Sangans effect, so I'll add Spirit Reaper to my hand...


Hand: 4


Then I'll set 1 card face-down and end my turn."

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[spoiler=I was just messin around]




Ooc - I only take 1500, she powers herself up and @ Elsandro you control Tea.

Kate - fine, Draw! Switch Freva to DEF. Activate Acquired Taste, this time sending my Airknight Parahath to the Graveyard! Now Freya deals piercing damage, but that isn't the main reason I did that. Monster Reborn on my Airknight, then I sac for Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin!

http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Neo-Parshath%2C_the_Sky_Paladin - Stats

set another face-down and end.

_ A D _ _

_ D D _ _

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Ryan - My move, Draw! Activate Toon World! *pays 1000 Lifepoints*

Alicia - What happened to your deck?

Ryan - Changed a bit... now I summon my Toon Card Trooper! createcardphp-126.jpg

lay 1 face-down and end.

Alicia - Toons, eh? Draw! once face-down end.

Ryan - Don't be afraid to attack me!

Alicia - I'm... not...

Ryan - well before you end I activate Ultimate Offerings and pay 1500 Lifepoints to summon 3 copies of Toon Goblin Attack Force. My turn, Draw! I attack for game!

Alicia's thoughts - My Mirror Force can save me, but...

*attack hits*

*mirror force flies off dueldisk*

Ryan - Why didn't you activate it?

Alicia - I forgot about it *lie*


Ooc - Proto did you see the banner?

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The Tournament going smoothly and well when




All Electrical MAchineries went crazy!


Ryan - There is Chaos Mage! here! and when i mean Chaos i mage! not! just any chaos! mage! a strong 1!


Kaiba - What is happening here!(kaiba talks to his assistants) all of check the power! you! check the main system! this tournament needs to be fix!!!


Assistants - YES! SIR!!!


Joey - Awww!!! Kaiba! Are you sure you pay the electrical bills right???


Kaiba - Shut up! you under dog!


Tea - Yeah! joey! its not like its kaiba's fault!


Joey - Yeah! sure Whateever!!



Suddenly everything blacked out


Aurgelmir - Bwaahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!


ALL - Whats that sound!


Aurgelmir - @%$#@$%^#%De....V...ou...r....yo...u...r...conciou...sss..nesss...


(*Emergency lights turns on *)


(And scary looking figure appeared right in the middle of the stage)


Ryan and the others - ITS A CHAOS MAGE!!!


Aurgelmir - #%@%#%$!$#^@


(*Vines suddenly run through its arms and forms a evil like duel disk*)


Aurgelmir - AHAHHAHAHAHAHH!!!!


(*Aurgelmir Suddenly Multiplies to the number of duelist in the stadium*)


What will happend next, can our heroes battle the dreaded chaos mage aurgelmir or will someone be sacrificed to the death seed or released the true evil!


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