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Chaos Duels

Ultimate Ryan

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Shuro - thats what i have been trying to say and whats a X duel you gus know? we were dueling and a soul card came i won and hunter fainted thats the whole story and wonder where that chaos mage whent and uys dont trust cahin he is evil. If you duel him and lose you will be under his control he dosen't effect me though for some reason i think its my dark form but i was normal when i dueld hunter and wern't you all watching the duel?

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Nate: Pretty good move, but you'll have to do better than that. *draws* Alright. I'll set 2 face-downs and summon Dark Slayer Venox (Warrior-type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1500/DEF 1400) in attack position! Also, Venox has a special ability: he gains 1000 attack during battle with a Light monster! Kind of like Penumbral Soldier Lady, only weaker and easier to summon. Venox, clip that angel's wings!!! *destroys Angel of Light* I'll end there.



_ _ ∆ _ _

_ _ ◊◊ _ 4000 LP

hand: 3



_ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ 3900 LP

hand: 4


ooc: btw, is Angelic Summoning a continuous spell?

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Kate - Well an X-Duel is a duel in which players bet themselves, and I was tricked into 1, the loser would be trapped in the ace card of the winner. I was defeated by Zach Yuki a chaos mage, 1 of the worst 10 years ago.

*All heroes/soon-2-be-hero are 15*

Stephanie - But you look as though you are 17, that is how old you were when you were in an X-Duel!

Kate - Well, being trapped is like being trapped in time, you don't age or anything.

Stephanie - Do you think you know why my... I mean Hunter fainted?

Kate - Shuro you said that someone had control over you right?

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Meanwhile in Kaiba Dome


Announcer - There will be! Duel Tournament! this afternoon! Whomever wants to join proceed to the dueling counter at the kaiba dome!


Reporter - and guess what! Joey Wheeler will be joining the tournament! people!


Announcer - Not only him but! Aster Phoenix himself would like to join!


Reporter - And did you hear! Maximillion Pegasus will be watching the matches!


(CC - So guys whos interested in this tournament)

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OOC: It's on the previous page but I'll post it here:




Nate: Pretty good move, but you'll have to do better than that. *draws* Alright. I'll set 2 face-downs and summon Dark Slayer Venox (Warrior-type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1500/DEF 1400) in attack position! Also, Venox has a special ability: he gains 1000 attack during battle with a Light monster! Kind of like Penumbral Soldier Lady, only weaker and easier to summon. Venox, clip that angel's wings!!! *destroys Angel of Light* I'll end there.



_ _ ∆ _ _

_ _ ◊◊ _ 4000 LP

hand: 3



_ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ 3900 LP

hand: 4


OOC: btw, is Angelic Summoning a continuous spell?

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*ring tone goes off*

Stephanie - Oh crap, that's mine! Hello?

Stephanie's mom - Hello sweetie.

Stephanie - What's up?

mom - Time for you to come home, we got you a booster box for all your good grades.

Stephanie - k, bye. *Back to friends* How can I explain Kate to them?!?!

Ryan - you found her...

Stephanie - yeahh right like that's gonna work.

*door opens*

Stephanie - mom I'm home!

mom - Hi sweetie, you want your bo... Oh my god is that...

Kate - Hi mom, long time no see *chuckles*

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ooc: no


"Nice move! I'll draw. And I'll summon Destined Angel.



This card is unneffected by your opponents spellls and traps


Then I'll activate Angel's Wish! It gives any Fairy-type monster 700 ATK for each Angel on my field, and in my grave, giving my angel 3300 attack!

Then I'll set one card face down and I'll attack your Dark Slayer!"


Rai: 3900

Nate: 2800


Hand: 2


_ _ ∆ _ _

_ _ ◊ _ _

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mom - what happened?

*Kate explains story to mom*

mom - well let's go watch the YuGiOh Channel.



Announcer - There will be! Duel Tournament! this afternoon! Whomever wants to join proceed to the dueling counter at the kaiba dome!

Reporter - and guess what! Joey Wheeler will be joining the tournament! people!

Announcer - Not only him but! Aster Phoenix himself would like to join!

Reporter - And did you hear! Maximillion Pegasus will be watching the matches!


back to people


Kate - I want to enter!

Stephanie - Me to!

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Nate: You're forgetting one thing, and that's Venox's ability. It gains an extra 1000 ATK when battling with a Light monster, so I'll only take 800 points of damage. Good thing your Angel is impervious to my traps otherwise this would be a lot easier. *checks hand* Alright, well, I can do one thing right now since you've destroyed my monster, and that is activate my Trap monster Undead Wizard (Spellcaster-type/Trap-type/DARK/Level 2/ATK 1000/DEF 400). Undead Wizard's effect allows me to use it as a Continuous Trap card which allows me to Special Summon a Token (Zombie/Darl/level 2/Atk 500/Def 500) at the cost of 500 life points whenever there is no monster on my side of the field and when you do.


_ _  _ _

_ _  ◊_ 2700 LP

hand: 3


*still Main Phase 2 of Rai's turn*

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Nate: Alright, first I'll activate Solemn Wishes so that I gain 500 Life points during each draw phase. Now I'll begon. Draw! *gains 500 life points* I'll tribute my token in order to summon Demonic Warrior Auron (Beast-Warrior-type/Dark/level 5/Atk 2400/Def 1000). First of all, he has the ability to deal piercing damage, but there just so happens to be something else he is useful for. I tribute my Demonic Warrior Auron in order to Special Summon Demonic Warrior Dyno-Auron (Dinosaur-type/Dark/Level 8/Atk 2800/Def 2500) from my hand! For my next trick, I will activate Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy your Angel's equip card! Now, Dyno-Auron, Attack Rai's Angel! I'll end my turn with 2 more face-downs.


_ _ ∆ _ _

_◊◊_ 3200 LP

hand: 0

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ooc - no one knows yet

bic -

Alicia - We are alone.

Ryan - Yes, I know...

*Alicia leans in and gives Ryan a kiss on the cheek*

Ryan - What was that for?

Alicia - Don't play dumb, you know that I like yo...

*Docter and Hunter come in*

Hunter - Ohhh... Alicia and Ryan...

*They all walk back to Alicia's house*

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