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Chaos Duels

Ultimate Ryan

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*The Holograms disappeared*

Stephanie - The disks shut off again!

Alicia - There has to be a Chaos Mage near!

Ryan - I agree!

Hunter - Get your decks ready!

*3 Decks clip into dueldisk*

Ryan, Hunter, Alicia - Ready!

Random Chaos Mage - I will duel you...

Alicia - Bring it!

Ryan and Hunter - Alicia! We are not going to duel just defend!

Stephanie - Go Mirror Wall!

Hunter - Magic Cylinder!

Ryan - Dimensional Prison!

Alicia - Mirror Force!

Ryan - Now run!!!

*They run away*

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Nate: Wait a minute? What just happened? And I had such a good combo coming up!

Chaos Mage: Nathaniel Lumiumbraaa!!!!

Nate: What?

Chaos Mage: Prepare yourself!!! 8000 life points!

Nate: Ok so now my disk is working again. I'll just have to get this guy off my back. All right, whoever you are? Whatever, let's duel!!!

Chaos Mage: I'll make the first move and play 3 cards face-down and end my turn.

_ _ _ _ _

_ ◊◊◊ _ 8000LP

hand: 3


Nate: No monster, huh? Looks like I'd better destroy the traps. Okay, I'll first play Chaos Soldier (atk 1500) in Attack Position and then play 2 cards face-down. Now, Chaos Soldier, ATTACK!!!

CM: Not so fast! I discard Kuriboh from by hand in order to make all damage 0.

Nate: Fine, I end my turn.

_ _ ∆ _ _

_ ◊◊ _ _ 8000LP

hand: 3


CM: I'll play Heavy Storm in order to destroy all Spells and Traps on the field. Since I've destroyed three Statue of the Wicked cards, I get to special summon 3 wicked statue tokens to the field. next, I'll offer all three in order to special summon Raviel, Lord of Phantasms!!!

Nate: Already?

CM: But that's not all! I'll use my normal summon for this turn to tribute Raviel in order to summon Great Maju Garzett!!! And since he gains double the attack strength of the tribute monster, he has 8000 attack points!!!

Nate: Oh no!!!

CM: You're just lucky I have nothing right now to destroy your Chaos Soldier. Oh well, Great Maju Garzett, ATTACK!!!

Nate: argh....

CM: I'll end with 1 card face down.

_ _ ∆ _ _

_ _ ◊ _ _ 8000LP

hand: 0

Nate: hehehe....AHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

CM: What? What's so funny???

Nate: You're just so confident in your 8000 attack point monster and it's just funny you don't see something so obvious.

CM: What do you mean???

Nate: Oh, but your better than this right? You should be able to figure it out. In the meantime, I'll activate Mystical Space Typhoon to get rid of that spell or trap or whatever. Next, I'll summon Kaiser Seahorse in attack position. Then to end my turn, I'll place 3 cards face-down. Go.

_ _ ∆ _ _

_ ◊◊◊ _ 1500 LP

hand: 0


CM: BWAAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That's it? Come on! At least put up a fight! I mean, you're practically asking for defeat! I mean, you have three face-downs, but then I'll activate this! I play the equip Spell Anti-spell Armor! It's a neat little equip that prevents my Great Maju Garzett from being destroyed by spell and trap cards. So now there's no way to stop me! Great Maju Garzett, ATTACK!!!

Nate: Wrong!!! I activate the Trap Card Light Burst!!!

CM: What?

Nate: This card may not destroy your monster, but it does something else, it switches it into defense position!!!

CM: No! I completely forgot! It has 0 defense points! Oh well, it doesn't matter, it's not like I can take damage or anything when its in defense.

_ _ ∆ _ _

_ _  _ _ 8000 LP

Nate: Oh really? *draws* Yes, that's exactly what I needed!

CM: Huh?

Nate: I'll play Pot of Greed so I can get another 2 cards from my deck. *draws again* Yes!!! Excellent!!! I'll tribute my Kaiser Seahorse in order to summon Valdoron, the Slayer of Darkness!!!

CM: What???

Nate: He's level 8 so Kaiser Seahorse counted as both tributes. He also has an added effect, when he's facing a Dark monster such as your Great Maju Garzett, he gains 1000 attack points!!!

CM: Oh no!

Nate: Oh, it gets better. I'll equip Valdoron with the other 2 cards I had face-down: Big Bang Shot and Megamorph!!! Giving him a total attack of 7800. And, any damage he does to a defense position monster gets done to your life points!

CM: No!

Nate: Now to make this final. I'll activate the Quickplay Spell Double Effect!!! I'll use it to select Valdoron's ability to gain 1000 attack points when battling a dark monster. So now because of Double Effect and Valdoron's effect combined, well let's do the math. Valdoron had 2500 ATK, plus another 2000 is 4500, plus 400 from big bang shot makes 4900. Now double that and what is it's attack?

CM: But...but...It's OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!

Nate: That's right. Now, Valdoron, attack the Great Maju Garzett and end this!!!


Nate: Ah, well, should have saved your Kuriboh. Anyway, good game....whoever you are?

CM: Oh, yes that was a very good "game". You are powerful, Nathaniel. You have great potential, and your lust for power is obvious. You will join us soon....

Nate: What?

CM: Sooooon........*disappears and leaves a card on the ground*

Nate: Ok....weird.....*picks up the card*. What? This.......*puts it away* I'd better go find everyone else.


OOC: yea, i couldn't resist the dbz reference. and yes, EPIC WIN and the card will be revealed later. now...where was everyone going so Nate can meet them there? Also, I assumed the Chaos Mages are a large group of people, kinda like rare hunters or something, so teh guy Nate faced in here was supposed to be just a random grunt.

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After the Chaos Mage vanished, Nate ran in the direction that Hunter, Stephanie, Alicia, and Ryan ran in trying to find and meet up with them. That is, until he came across a young man with spiky black hair and an academy duel disk.


Nate: Hey! You go to the academy right? Have you seen anyone else from the academy run by?


OOC: Yes, he saw Rai.

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"Lets have 4000 LP. I draw. I activate Angelic Summoning and special summon my Angel of Light. And when it is special summoned, it gives me plus 1000 LP. So I'll end my turn."





When this card is special summoned, the controller of this card gains 1000 Life Points

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My turn i activate Lightning vortex and discard my dust tornado. now i activate my polymerization and fuse sparkman and king of swamp to summon E hero Shining Flare Wingman in attack position. His attack is now 3100 due to his effect. then i activate my mystical space typhoon on your face down and attack you directly.

Shuro - 4000 LP Ryan 900 LP. OOC please dont make this a one turn duel and can i win at least this one?

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Shine Flare's ATK is only 2800 BTW

Hunter - Uhhh, not bad but you ain't beating me! Draw! Summon E-Hero Wildheart! Activate Hero's Reward (You can only activate this card when you control 1 Warrior-Type monster. Special Summon 3 Sword Tokens [EARTH, Warrior, 200/200] in face-up ATK mode, they are destroyed during your opponent's Standby Phase, you lose 1000 Lifepoints for each one not destroyed by this effect.) Now I will play Magical Blade! (Tribute 3 "Sword" monsters. Increase the ATK of all face-up Warrior-Type monsters by 2000. Wildheart - 3500. Attack his wingman!

*Figure falls out of battle explosion*

???? - Where am I???

Ryan - That must've been a soul card!

Shuro - Woahh, what just happened?

Ryan - Nevermind, lets just finish the duel! One face-down, your move

Ryan - 1200 Shuro - 3300

_ _ A _ _

_ _ D _ _

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sorry on the attack i use a combo like that in real life E her prisma and Sparkman just got the attack mixed up. BIc Shuro - now i activate my ( thisis a card i'm going to make spell card) And you forgot one thing it says all warrior on the field and my card is a e hero so your monster is destroyed and now i activate my Coninuous spell card card draw it allows me to draw a extra card as many times i want but i lose 500 life points. so i draw 2 cards. now i activate my miricle fusion to summon another and i activate my axe of despair and then i draw another card and ativate black pendent which gives him 4000 Attack now i destroy your your wild heart then attack with my other and i win. OOc ( please let me win) BIC Shuro- now what this talk about soul cards? Now to tell you the truth Chain really dosen't have a effect on me so my dark side welll its something that happens when i get really mad and then my deck changes to a E hero and Evil hero deck.

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