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Card of Safe Return [Goat Format]

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Card of Safe Return
[Continuous Spell]

When a monster is Special Summoned to the field from your GY: You can draw 1 card.

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So the other day I noticed this card is unlimited in Goat Format's banlist. For a while I dismissed this because the format seems to only have 1 limited Premature Burial and 1 limited Call of the Haunted, and that Mask of Darkness/Magician of Faith usually have other priorities to retrieve when they do go off. 

Though I've noticed there's more stuff than meets the eye.

There's Giant Trunade unlimited in the format, it doesn't permanently punish like Heavy but it recycles the above mentioned revival, restarts Swords, and still does clean up floodgates and other backrow so the option seems decent depending on the build.

There's Zombies carrying Book of Life at 3 as well, and with Pyramid Turtle being one of the best recruiters any old school deck could ask for, it looks pretty nice to me.

There's Spear Cretin that loops with itself although this one is the weakest play in this list looking at how many outs to the slow loop there are.

The Creator in theory should have a good time with this. I know the problem there is that the Creator itself is already kinda fragile as it is, but just an extra option for the list ***shrugs***

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I have been using a personal recipe of mine for a while that aims to abuse "The Shallow Grave" to recycle flips and other stuff while it modifies the opponent's field, making it easy to drop a Lava Golem on them when they thought they were safe, or Crossout/Mystic Swordsman LV2 their revived choice. I thought "it is unlikely I'll draw 2 or 3 too often without any amount of revival and they pay for themselves from the first use, only getting pluses from there".

So far in the little testing I've been loving the option, although I do amit making this a middle step between your revival effect play makes a Solemn on your Premature hurt a little more, not something that feels game-breaking so I still take the risk but yeah....

What are people's thoughts on this card? Sounds to me like something waiting for a time to shine.


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I like the card. I'm trying a water deck with it, since Abyss Soldier can bounce your Premature Burial. There's also Revival Jam. Manticore of Darkness has a classic interaction with this card, and it could sort of work in the water deck since Mother Grizzly and Kotetsu are Beast-Warriors, but I found that too flimsy.

Zombies are probably the way to go here. A funny zombie option: Despair from the Dark. It trolls Duo, and is also just a big dude to get with Book of Life. It makes you want to play into discard, which zombie sort of wants anyway for drawing Ryu Kokki and Vampire Lord.

I think Rite of Spirit is a card to consider for this. GK Spy is already really good, but now you get extra walling value from him and a +1 from Safe Return. I think this could be a fine secondary option for getting value out of Safe Return in zombies. Unfortunately, if your Spy get hit by Nobleman, you feel very sad about Rite becoming a brick.

I hadn't seen Spear Cretin before, so that's funny. He is a fiend, which could mean trying something with Dark Necrofear. In that sort of deck, you can also try Emissary of the Afterlife, Soul Resurrection, and even Spirit Caller. This is probably very terrible, but it's an idea.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The reason it's not very useful in goat format is because there aren't many ways to abuse its effect, and even less ways to repeatedly do so. It is fun in some gimmicky or casual decks, but most of the time it ends up just being a brick. I did have fun playing it in my zombie deck which also ran Revival Jam, Twin-Headed Behemoth, and Fear From the Dark.

I did remember since you mentioned Shallow Grave that some empty jar lists run Card of Safe Return.

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