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Misfortune Lady Dark Future


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Pendulum Effect:

You can target up to 6 cards in either player's GY or "Fortune Lady" monsters you control, including a card on the field; Banish those targets, and if you do, increase or reduce the scale of this card by the number of cards banished by this effect, until the end of the turn (min. 1).

Monster Effects:

1, This card’s ATK/DEF become the number of banished Spellcasters and Fiends in your possession x 500.

2, During your Standby Phase: Increase this card's Level by 1 (max 12).

3, If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Archfiend" monster from your Deck to your hand, then until the end of this turn, reduce this card's Level by the Level of that monster (down to min. 1) also this card becomes a Tuner.

You can only use each effect of "Misfortune Lady Dark Future" once per turn.


Notes about the card design:

  1. This is support for the Fortune Ladies to help increase the consistency of hitting their first main combo. (Which is having Fortune Lady Past & Fortune Lady Light on the field at the same time, and Summoning Fortune Lady Water through Light then going to Synchro.) If you open Light and this card (which are both searchable with Fortune Vision), you'll be able to Synchro Summon Level 6-8 if Archfiend Eccentrick is also in the Deck and you have another monster (Level 4 to 6) in hand to Pendulum Summon and use as synchro material. Drawing Water will now be a good thing as it can be used for this combo and give you a 2 card draw (ending with a Level 6 synchro monster, 4 cards in hand, and 2 pendulum spells). Fortune Lady (IRL) already has trouble putting out a Synchro first turn:

Combo Piece #1: 

9 of 36 cards: Light x3, Past x3, Fortune Vision x3

Combo Piece #2:

6/5 of 36 cards: Fortune Lady Calling x3, Fortune Vision x3

(which is why One for One is a staple.)


      2. The attack boost effect is strong enough to warrant a Level 5 monster. It can also get really strong late game.

      3. This supports a Fortune Lady/Archfiend deck hybrid, which already works pretty well together.

      4. The banish effect is a strong one, akin to Soul Release while being part of the archetype, for the cost of a Fortune Lady on the field. This also plays into the mini-narrative of the past (the GY) being moved over/burned/tossed aside introducing a bleak future (in a universe where Archfiends (Lucifer's demons) exist).

Any thoughts, feelings, critiques or suggestions based on this card? Thanks!

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  • AlienPrinceOTK changed the title to Misfortune Lady Dark Future


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