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Inspired today, new archetype support for the ghost girls! Tell me what you think!

Gold libra 1810

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Hey there,

First of all, I'd recommend reading the PSCT Guide pinned in this subforum, as your wording is a mess.

The artworks are really cool and fit the style of the ghost girl handtraps. Anyhow the overall archetype doesn't seem very fun. Literally every card is unaffected (that's what I assmue when I read "uneffected"), or cannot be negated. Furthermore some of the cards contradict with the way handtraps work. I don't see a reason why you would want to Special Summon a bunch of handtraps from your hand or deck, wehn you actually want them in your hand.

Moving forward to my card-by-card critique. I'm not going to give a full PSCT fix for everything here, as that's really time consuming and you didn't write the card texts out, but just posted the pics.

Ghost Armageddin

Well this card is utterly broken, given that it's easily searchyble. Emergency Teleport + Engage? Both of these cards have been on the banlist for a reason. Also it's not very creative and sort of strange for an archetype made of handtraps. I might be repeating myself here, but why would you want to Summon handtraps?


Ghost Princess And Cherry Spring

The first effect (or Summoning Condition) is very unclear. It could be something like a Quick or Ignition effect in the hand, as in The Iris Swordsoul, which says as follows:


if a monster, whose effects are negated, is on the field (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand

It could be a trigger effect, upon a negation effect successfully resolving, like this:


If a card or effect is negated, while this card is in your hand: You can Special Summon this card from your hand.

It could be a Summoning Condition, that allows you to inherently Summon the card if an effect had been negated earlier this turn, like this:


If a card, whose effects are negated, is on the field, you can Special Summon this card from your hand.

You should think about what your card should actually do and then fix your punctuation.

The second effect contradicts the first one, as it only Triggers on Normal Summon, even tho you will be most likely be Special Summoning this card with its effect (or condition, whatever you meant). Special Summoning an archetype card from hand or GY is nothing really new, so all I can say here is that it is a +1 for the cost of your Normal Summon, which seems fine. Anyhow the last effect, that lets you search any handtrap from your Deck makes the +2 complete. Cards that can generate a card advantage of +2 are close to always overpowered, especially if they have no downside, so you should be very careful with those.


Ghost Queen and Bloody Flowers

A Link 3 for a control oriented handtrap "archetype" seems strange to me. Control decks don't usually commit alot of ressources for big boss monsters, as they try to keep the card advantage up and keep the opponent from playing the game with handtraps and recurring interruptions. The two protection effects are pretty dumb as they make each other obsolete in my opinion. Being unaffected literally means, that you cannot be negated aswell. Further there is not a single card in the game that negates Summons and resolves in the hand.
The recursion effect is what I would actually expect in a deck made of handtraps, even tho I dont understand why you Special Summon the card first. I thought you wanted to be able to trigger on Summon effects with that, but cherry spring only triggers its effect when Normal Summoned and White Magic's effect becomes kinda obsolete if you already control the Link monster.


Ghost Shrine And Spooky Reaper

If I read the word "uneffected" one more time, I'm going to lose my mind. I appreciate that the card doesn't search on activation as all the newer field spells do these days, because I hate that concept. I also like that this one actually has a downside in locking you into zombies. The direct attack effect is also quite balanced as you have to send a card (as cost, as I assume - there's literally no punctuation). So far the best card in the set in my opinion, even thoh it has this unfun protection.


Ghost Summoning

this random "base" in the text irritates me more than it probably should. Anyhow this cannot be a Quick Play Spell. You Summon 2 monsters from the deck, which will be able to trigger GY effects once they areused for some sort of ED Summon, the card has absolutely rediculous negation protection AND no hard once per turn??? So if you open 2 of these you can chain one to the other to get 4 cards on the board without giving your opponent any chance to stop you. This card is beyond stupid and absolutely broken. Also it's literally just a powercrept version of Unexpected Dai, so there's no innovation or anything interesting here, that could make anyone want it in the game.


Ghost Witch and White Magic

This card seems unplayable, as there are close to no cards with effects that activate Spell Cards for you. The only card apart from Metaverse I could imagine doing something like that is Diamond Dude, but he also just activates the effect of the Spell, and not the Spell itself, so you couldn't even hit it with this. The Special Summon trigger which allows you to Link Summon could be quite fun if you had any way to Summon this card in your opponent's turn to make a Unicorn or something, but since you don't, I really think this card is useless.


Ghost Yokai And Morning Tea

Let me guess... Unaffected or cannot be negated? This card literally says "not effected" two times and has an additional "cannot be negated" condition on an effect. This is hillarious. On top of that I find it really weird to have a Continuous Spell Card a Quick Effect in the GY. First of all it's a bit contradictive to give a Continuous Spell a GY effect, if your Deck doesn't have ways to (and wants to) send it to the GY, and also I think there are 0 Spell Cards with the worlds "Quick Play" printed on them, as they should either be Quick Play Spells or just simply Trap Cards. Trap Effects in the GY are always Spell Speed 2 by the way.


Overall I really can't seem to understand what you were trying to do with this concept, as nothing seems to collaborate with other cards. You can't just balance the absence of synergy with a bunch of hyper broken staples. I'm sorry to give you such a negative feedback on your work, but I'm here to help you improve and I hope you take this as the constuctive criticism it's supposed to be.



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Hand trap based archetypes tend to be very cringe because what you are doing is not letting your opponent actually play the game.  These effects seem to make Ghost Girl Yokai hand traps into an archetype, that is cohesive, but rather unfun to play against because you're negating stuff.  Too many negates and the opponent will just quit, so you have achieved nothing when making these cards.  

An archetype should be cohesive and fun to play against.


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