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The witches who delved into the forbidden (Condemned Witch Archetype)

Eddie McBean

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Hello there, people reading this very post, today I introduce to you a new DARK Spellcaster Archetype, as I'm sick and tired of every one of those being a goddamn Dark Magician card.

That said, however, this is probably still on the same level of coherence than the archetypes I did like 6 years ago or so (I think they're still somewhere in this site if you dig deep enough, think they were "Gachinga" and "Other World" if I'm remembering correctly)

Alright, let's get started in order of card type, first off iiiis:

spacer.png (God that's such an old thing) Monster Cards

Condemned Witch Siames

spacer.png and its token    spacer.png

(Starting here, I will only be typing out the effects of the cards if they are too small to read, which fortunately isn't very common due to image size.)

Condemned Witch Trial


this one may need a few tweaks, or not, don't really know

Condemned Witch Tecelain



Condemned Witch Nobelia



Condemned Witch Lahann



Condemned Witch Shadyside



Condemned Witch Needie



So, uh, yeah, those are all the monsters. Looking back at it, I'll prolly need to work on it to have a bit more variety, cause even at 3 copies each that's be just 21 cards. Oh well, moving on regardless of my lack of planning, we haaaave:

spacer.png (Whatever you do after reading this, do NOT search "Spell card meme" on google) Spell Cards


For this section we use this lovely green. And without further ado:

Forbidden Magic - Unending Nightmare



Forbidden Magic - Soul Crush



Forbidden Magic - Winds of Tragedy



Forbidden Magic - Demon Release



Forbidden Magic - Demonic Sacrifice

spacer.png and its token spacer.png


Forbidden Magic - Magic Supercharge



Forbidden Magic - Deal with the Reaper



And with that, that's the spell list completed, and once again it's 7 cards, honestly this was not planned, and proof of that is I could've just as easily made it 6 for each, for the obvious joke of the number of the beast or whatever. Ignoring that lost opportunity, let us move ourselves along to the cherry on top:

spacer.png could not find a good extra deck meme, so have Dora instead. Extra Deck


So, as you may have firgured out, given how most of the Deck revolves around swarming the field, special summoning through destruction and whatnot, the end goal is to summon as many link monsters as you can and hope your opponent cannot deal with them in time. With that said, here we go:

Condemned Arc-Witch Siames


Initial plan was for all of them to have arc-witch forms like siames but it soon dawned on me I'd need to find pictures that were similar but seemed stronger for each, so I scrapped the idea instead.

Condemned Arc-Witch Nevoa



Condemned Arc-Witch Feitice



Condemned Arc-Witch Nosfera



Condemned Arc-Witch Gae Bolg



Condemned Arc-Witch Gungnir



Condemned Arc-Witch Ribbons



Condemned Arc-Witch Stitches



And with that all 8 of the monsters on the extra deck are here! 4 of each type, fiend and spellcaster.

That's about it, for now, at least, I do kinda want to add more to this, but I will need to find a good haul of art to do so, as I just don't really like when my cards have no visuals, but I also can't draw anything.

Thank you for reading, peeps!

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I want to leave a little post here, though its not the kind of post you might want to receive

I gave you a like, yep, because I can see the passion and the amount of time and dedication you put on this, and that deserves recognition. But I'm not gonna lie, I didn't read the cards carefully, and I'm not really feeling like giving out pointers and stuff, because that would take a lot of time for a respectable review, and I hate giving half-assed reviews, so no. Thing is, 25 cards in this set. People... usually don't want to go through all that. Let's hope time proves me wrong, tho, and people decides to post, but my main suggestion I came to do is to make much, much smaller archetypes, so people feels more willing to read through it and give you a nice review.


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