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With Dragoon is hanged in OCG-Master duels, is this an OP or decent boss for DMs ?

Ahmad Alzubi

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I wanted a boss monster that can be mainly used in Dark Magician decks, replaces Dragoon, integrates the new game mechancs, and make DM see more compatitive play!



The Ultimate Dark Magician


2+ Spellcaster monsters + 1+ Normal Spellcaster Monster
This face-up card on the field cannot be Tributed, is unaffected by other cards' effects, except its own, and it cannot be destroyed by battle. Your opponent's monsters cannot target monsters for attacks, except this one. (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Monster in either field or GY, banish it; then this card gains ATK equal to that target's ATK until the end of your opponent's next turn. During your opponent's end-turn you must pay 1000 LP (this is not optional), or this card is destroyed. You can only use each effect of "The Ultimate Dark Magician" once per turn.

ATK/3000 Link-5


* I was hesitant with it's summoning requirements, since I wanted to replace "1+ Normal Spellcaster Monster" with "Dark Magician", then I decided to leave it like this.

** I was also hesitant if I should make his original ATK be 2500?

*** Should I change the mainatainance cost to become "During your opponent's end-turn you must target 1 Monster in your field or GY, banish it; (this is not optional), or this card is destroyed." instead!

**** The artwork need alot of work to be Dark Magician themed, but am not a good artwork designer!




The Ultimate Dark Magician.jpeg

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, Blue Arcana said:

No, Link 5's just generally dont have "unaffected by other cards effects" in their text

Okay, Thanks!

I noticed that you are active on the forum and have a critic opinion, so I would appreciate it if you can take a look at this and give me a feedback:


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