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Topdeck Frenzy!

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Alright, this is basically a hand destruction/control deck wrapped around Macro Monarchs. This list I've come up with is just kind of a skeleton because I didn't want to come into this section with absolutely no list and be like "BUILD ME A DECK, GUYZ!" So yeah, r/f any changes welcome. Oh and the only card that's really off limits is Raiza. I refuse to play him as a matter of principle.


Big Monsters: 11

3x Thessy

3x Caius

2x Hino-Kago Tsuchi

1x Yamata Dragon

2x CyDra


Small Monsters: 11

3x D.D. Scout Plane

3x D.D. Survivor

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

3x Don Zaloog

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells: 8

2x D Fissure

1x MST

1x Brain Control

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x DDR


Traps: 10

2x Drastic Drop Off

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Macro Cosmos

1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force

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Why DDR? Spirits cannot be Special Summoned and Monarchs are just 2400 beatsticks when Special'd. What is this obsession with DDR. And how come I'm the only person that gets lip for running 3 Macro and 2 DFissure? Also, swap out the DDR's for Hand Destructions.

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1. How the hell does having no good targets, warrant use of a 1-2 card?

2. How the hell does Macro slow stuff down? It's a matter of 1 turn people! And it's a short one, activate it during your opponent's Stand-By. Jeebus, when does speed take priority over stopping DMoC from getting back MST or Heavy to hit it again?

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^not everyone runs dmoc.

DDR is useful but certainly dont max it out. It provides recovery for his zaloogs and i just realised that this deck needs 2 cydra now


Well, Mallon's kinda just there, I mean he's good and all but CyDra essentially does the same thing faster, and I think the other candidate is one of the Drastic Drop off's. I mean, they're fun and effective at stopping stratos/reinforcement/almost anything, but drawing 3 in the starting hand is really just asking to lose.

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