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Yu-Gi-Oh! Gets scientific with the "Biome" card set

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3 points of advice:

1) Give the Field Spells some more pizzazz.

2) Remove the "no Normal Summoning" from the monsters.

3) Give the Monsters better effects.

4) If "Biome Beast" is in the monster's name, remove the Biome type, and make the Field Spells affect "Biome Beast" monsters.


Yes, I know, that was four. And, 1 more:


5) Get better pices for the monsters.

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But if you notice, Biome is also a type of the monster, I am going to eventually improve the set and make new cards as power-ups and what-not. You see what happened to E-Heroes right? They were cool at first an eventually became overpowered, thats what I intend with these cards. Plus, I wanted to build a set that focused more on field cards!

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But if you notice' date=' Biome is also a type of the monster, I am going to eventually improve the set and make new cards as power-ups and what-not. You see what happened to E-Heroes right? They were cool at first an eventually became overpowered, thats what I intend with these cards. Plus, I wanted to build a set that focused more on field cards!



That's a good aspiration, but these cards feel a bit "blah", even as starters. Think about the D-Heroes. They were original, even at the beginning.

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Uh...I'm not sure what your intentions are with these cards.


If they can be summoned with their own effect, they are overpowered.

If it restricts when they can be summoned by other cards, try wording it "This card cannot be Special Summoned from your hand or Deck unless "x" is on the field.


Otherwise it kind of seems like it's a summoning condition like chaos sorcerer and that.

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3 points of advice:

1) Give the Field Spells some more pizzazz.

2) Remove the "no Normal Summoning" from the monsters.

3) Give the Monsters better effects.

4) If "Biome Beast" is in the monster's name' date=' remove the Biome type, and make the Field Spells affect "Biome Beast" monsters.


Yes, I know, that was four. And, 1 more:


5) Get better pices for the monsters.




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