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Neo cards

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3+ "Neo-Spacian"+ 1 "Elemental Hero Neos"
This card must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be summoned in any other way. While this card is on your Field, if you have a Fusion card/cards with "Neo", "Neos" in its name or lists "Elemental Hero Neos" in its card text you can choose to place it in your Extra Deck or keep it on you Field at the End Phase of your turn. All "Neo" and "Neos" cards on your Field cannot be affected by your opponents card effects. if this card has been on your Field for 4 turns you can add one "Star Birther" to your hand. (This card is treated as a "Neos" card)



If you control one "Mother Celestialsapien" you can Special Summon one "Neo", "Neos", or "Neo-Spacian" card from your Hand, Deck, GY, Extra Deck, Banished Zone but you lose 100 LPx its own level also you can only use this effect three times per turn. If a "Neo", "Neos", or "Neo-Spacian" monster is sent to the GY, return that card from where it was summoned.

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