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New yugioh Fanfic I Need Characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Name: Mark Robbins

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Location: North Academy

2nd Year in School

Appreance(Image) -click link below

Bio: Is a nice guy, but always duels his hardest. Always duels just for fun, but frequently gets overconfident. Tries to observe his opponents to find their strenghs and weaknesses.

Deck(s):Uses the following decks: Cyberdark Deck, Burn Deck, Dark Reborn OTKMonarch Control Deck, Yubel Deck, andSky Scourge Deck


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Name: Jacob Anderton

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Location: Wallasey, U.K.

If in school, what year(1st 2nd 3rd 4th)=3rd


Bio: (Don't include a school name)=He was a little boy when he discovered his true powers. He could switch his mind from kind to cold blooded and not regret what ever he did. His closest friend left him years ago and now he will stop at nothing to get him back. No one will stand in his way and if he needs to be tortured. Jacob will do that (Like Yubel trying to get Jaden back)

Deck: Evil Hero

[spoiler=Deck List]

Evil Hero Malicious Edge

Evil Hero Malicious Fiend

Evil Hero Infernal Gainer

Evil Hero Infernal Sniper

Evil Hero Infernal Wing

Evil Hero Lightning Golem

Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy

Dark Fusion

Dark Calling

Dark Tribute (Spell)

'When this card is activated it can not be countered by Spell and Traps. Send 5 cards with 'Evil Hero' in it's name to the Graveyard from your hand or field to Special Summon Evil Hero Forgotten.


Evil Hero Forgotten (Effect Monster)

'This card cannot by Special Summoned or Tribute Summoned. This card can only be Summoned by the effect of 'Dark Tribute'. Ever time a Spell or Trap is activated, remove for play 1 card with 'Evil Hero' in it's name to negate the effect of the Spell or Trap and destroy it. Increase this cards attack x500 for every Spell and Trap it destroys'



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Name: Byron


Age: 15


Gender: Male


Location: Slifer Red


If in school, what year: 1st





Bio: Enjoys life with his friends and prefers friendship over romance

Syrus (brother) left school

Zane (brother) left school became evil that sort of stuff


Deck: Vehicroid


Deck List


Stealthroid x3

Expressroid x3

Drillroid x3

Truckroid x3

Steamroid x3


Harvesteroid x2




Limiter Removal


Wonder Garage

Stealth Power

Speedy Return

Metal Accelerator

Snatch Steal

Premature Burial

Monster Reborn



Jetroid x3

Marineroid x3


Farewell For Long


Fusion Deck


Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union

Super Vehicroid - Jumbo Drill

Super Vehicroid - Harvest Union

Steam Gyroid

Decoy Sub Marineroid

Super Vehicroid - Jinzo Union

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