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Yu-gi-oh Master Duel


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Hello, fine peoples!

Since Master Duel is out, I figure it'd probably do better as its own topic here. Thoughts? Goals? Questions? Advice?

Deck lists go in the tcg/ocg decks section, but feel free to post replays in this topic!


Kicking off this topic, I have a question: Do you think Konami did a good job with this?


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  On 1/21/2022 at 4:57 PM, Lazarus IV said:

Hello, fine peoples!

Since Master Duel is out, I figure it'd probably do better as its own topic here. Thoughts? Goals? Questions? Advice?

Deck lists go in the tcg/ocg decks section, but feel free to post replays in this topic!


Kicking off this topic, I have a question: Do you think Konami did a good job with this?



With the way Gems are handled thus far? Absolutely! While it's not impossible to accumulate a large number of Gems in Duel Links, it can certainly be tedious or egregious. 

The crafting? :7603_key:

I have mixed feelings on it. While, yes. It is nice to be able to make new cards out of fat air by using materials like the Ultra and Super ones, it's costly. It costs 30 of any of these to Generate a single. And dismantling a card only nets you 10. So pretty soon, you'll be left with a meager amount. Even if you do grind for more Gems. I mean, I guess it makes sense. So that some players would be incentivized to purchase more Gems with real life money. I mean, company's gotta make money somehow. But...what can ya do?


Monetary model aside, I do like some of the delivery of the game. Like your mates. I love dabbing Rescue Rabbit.


The soundtrack? It's certainly more enthralling than Legacy of the Duelist's soundtrack. But not as much as Duel Link's soundtrack.


Those are my thoughts thus far. If you would like me to specify anything, or speak further of the game, just quote me.

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As of right now the Loaner decks are a massive hit-or-miss when it comes to Solo play. Sometimes you get a good deck, but other times you get abominations only the most casual of casuals would make. Gem-Knights mixed with Constellers? Who thought THAT was a good idea? Especially when the CPU gets a full-fledged G-K deck with actual synergy and also freaking LIGHTNING STORM! And Veiler. And Foolish Burial Goods to easily dump G-K Fusion. Meanwhile, you have Constellar Algiedi. The onyl saving grace is that the CPU can be really dumb, but they clearly get the superior decks.


Also, an issue I find is that you really need to focus on one deck, and tunnel vision it hard with the Secret Packs in the start. I chose Monarchs because I got that freebie SD from the solo mode, while also unlocking the Secret Pack to get the other cards. I've been enjoying success with the deck so far, and have nearly made it to Gold rank.


@The Nyx Avatar For what it's worth, foil copies of cards offer more crafting material. A silver border card can give you +15 mats, meaning you only need to break 2 to generate a new card.

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  On 1/23/2022 at 2:58 PM, The Warden said:

@The Nyx Avatar For what it's worth, foil copies of cards offer more crafting material. A silver border card can give you +15 mats, meaning you only need to break 2 to generate a new card.


Oh, I didn't know that!  That's good to know.


  On 1/23/2022 at 2:58 PM, The Warden said:

As of right now the Loaner decks are a massive hit-or-miss when it comes to Solo play. Sometimes you get a good deck, but other times you get abominations only the most casual of casuals would make. Gem-Knights mixed with Constellers? Who thought THAT was a good idea? Especially when the CPU gets a full-fledged G-K deck with actual synergy and also freaking LIGHTNING STORM! And Veiler. And Foolish Burial Goods to easily dump G-K Fusion. Meanwhile, you have Constellar Algiedi. The onyl saving grace is that the CPU can be really dumb, but they clearly get the superior decks.


Funny thing, I just did that solo game and I managed to win with the loaner deck, but then lost with my own dedicated deck because they went wombo-combo on my face on turn 2 xD


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  On 1/23/2022 at 2:58 PM, The Warden said:

As of right now the Loaner decks are a massive hit-or-miss when it comes to Solo play. Sometimes you get a good deck, but other times you get abominations only the most casual of casuals would make. Gem-Knights mixed with Constellers? Who thought THAT was a good idea? Especially when the CPU gets a full-fledged G-K deck with actual synergy and also freaking LIGHTNING STORM! And Veiler. And Foolish Burial Goods to easily dump G-K Fusion. Meanwhile, you have Constellar Algiedi. The onyl saving grace is that the CPU can be really dumb, but they clearly get the superior decks.


Also, an issue I find is that you really need to focus on one deck, and tunnel vision it hard with the Secret Packs in the start. I chose Monarchs because I got that freebie SD from the solo mode, while also unlocking the Secret Pack to get the other cards. I've been enjoying success with the deck so far, and have nearly made it to Gold rank.


@The Nyx Avatar For what it's worth, foil copies of cards offer more crafting material. A silver border card can give you +15 mats, meaning you only need to break 2 to generate a new card.


You were right. I just traded in a glossy Super Rare for 15

And yeah. Some of those Loaner Decks were just...atrocious. I hated the Gem-Knight ones especially

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  On 1/24/2022 at 3:08 AM, The Nyx Avatar said:

You were right. I just traded in a glossy Super Rare for 15

And yeah. Some of those Loaner Decks were just...atrocious. I hated the Gem-Knight ones especially


I suspect dusting glossy cards probably doesn't occur to people cause like, glossy and all that. It's kinda nice how you can get glossy and higher from crafting cards. I was originally aiming for Dinosaurs and generated an Animadorned Archosaur that had the rainbow glossy border.

As for loaners, how about that Ruin deck that literally contained like, 4 different ritual archetypes in it with no consistency? I also hear they can get especially bad with a Dinomist/Zefra deck, and, no joke, there's apparently a World Chalice loaner deck that doesn't even have an extra deck.


EDIT: So anyways, you can use the card crafting to get cards you don't already have. I did not know this and this feature is very useful.

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So i focused myself on putting my own real decks in masterduel and could make it to  3 decks at moment! but then i saw you can use  maxx C  3 times and also found out that card of demise on 3... both saved me many times, even only using 2...damn strong

However, im about to create as forth deck alien...

  On 1/24/2022 at 10:59 AM, The Warden said:

I suspect dusting glossy cards probably doesn't occur to people cause like, glossy and all that. It's kinda nice how you can get glossy and higher from crafting cards. I was originally aiming for Dinosaurs and generated an Animadorned Archosaur that had the rainbow glossy border.

As for loaners, how about that Ruin deck that literally contained like, 4 different ritual archetypes in it with no consistency? I also hear they can get especially bad with a Dinomist/Zefra deck, and, no joke, there's apparently a World Chalice loaner deck that doesn't even have an extra deck.


EDIT: So anyways, you can use the card crafting to get cards you don't already have. I did not know this and this feature is very useful.


 Also i think the  one World Chalice deck had no extra deck because of the story. If i remember right they lost all the power because ib got mad because of lee, so she got the power, but finally we could manage it without Extra Deck.

Also to fightwith a Krawler Deck against a Krawler deck is damn exhausting...

BTW missing Crusadia in the Story

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Someone shared with me the best way to get Gems in this game via Missions. Accomplish your Missions at your own pace, but DON'T claim all the Gems. Only claim the 5 Live Duel ones, and any whose value is 30-50. If it's less than 30...save them until much later in the month. You could realistically get 155 Gems per day like this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So like, does the N/R Festival kinda suck for anyone else? Like it's been either non-stop Kaiju spam all over the place, or Timelord burn BS. The latter's basically got me running triple Fiendish Chain cause I'm so sick of them and Lost Wind doesn't work on them.

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  On 3/25/2022 at 11:15 AM, The Warden said:

So like, does the N/R Festival kinda suck for anyone else? Like it's been either non-stop Kaiju spam all over the place, or Timelord burn BS. The latter's basically got me running triple Fiendish Chain cause I'm so sick of them and Lost Wind doesn't work on them.


It's a mixed bag. But I've been enjoying this event WAY MORE than I did Xyz Festival. I didn't have a competent Xyz Deck for that event on my original account. So I just settled on a suicide Deck.

For this event, I put together a nifty Yosenju Deck. ALSO with Kaijus. I will say though, fuck Sky Striker.

And pure Timelord

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  On 3/31/2022 at 2:29 AM, The Nyx Avatar said:

It's a mixed bag. But I've been enjoying this event WAY MORE than I did Xyz Festival. I didn't have a competent Xyz Deck for that event on my original account. So I just settled on a suicide Deck.

For this event, I put together a nifty Yosenju Deck. ALSO with Kaijus. I will say though, fuck Sky Striker.

And pure Timelord


I was lucky with the Xyz Festival and had a fully functioning Utopia deck for it. Also seriosuly fuck Yosenjus those things were freaking cancer. Especially this one duel where I swear to god my opponent pulled 2 copies of Sword Sting and their single, one and only fucking copy of Gadarla in their starting hand. I could not maintain board at all because they kept Kaiju'ing me then bouncing it.

I did try numerous deck for this event. EARTH Machine Gadgets, but I didn't enjoy it and had little success. I tried what was effectively neutered Danger! Dark Worlds, but that also didn't do it for me. I finally settled on a Melodious Star Seraph deck, which I enjoyed way more. Aria made for awesome stall while I assembled my Star Seraphs, and Condemned Witch let me use the Forbidden Spells while also letting me super easily get out Aria or Star Seraph Big Stick.

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  On 3/25/2022 at 11:15 AM, The Warden said:

So like, does the N/R Festival kinda suck for anyone else? Like it's been either non-stop Kaiju spam all over the place, or Timelord burn BS. The latter's basically got me running triple Fiendish Chain cause I'm so sick of them and Lost Wind doesn't work on them.


I’ve been enjoying the event but their are a few decks (including the damn timelord BS) that are getting on my nerves, especially as a d/d/d player. Also the event has SO many gimmick decks that it’s giving me an aneurysm. For example, the deck that has caused me to nearly destroy a few controllers


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  On 3/31/2022 at 1:33 PM, Kokoroshi_Games said:

I’ve been enjoying the event but their are a few decks (including the damn timelord BS) that are getting on my nerves, especially as a d/d/d player. Also the event has SO many gimmick decks that it’s giving me an aneurysm. For example, the deck that has caused me to nearly destroy a few controllers



I faced exactly 1 Leeching the Light deck, and after a Magical Mallet they pulled off double Leeching the Light off of the Thunder King they gave me while juicing up their own Jizukiru and Mithra the Thunder Vassal, which they for some reason played. It would had worked, had the RNG not given me double bloody Fiendish Chain first turn. Seriously I get so many doubles of cards in starting hands it was ridiculous. Anyways I kicked their ass the next turn.

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  On 3/31/2022 at 1:38 PM, The Warden said:

I faced exactly 1 Leeching the Light deck, and after a Magical Mallet they pulled off double Leeching the Light off of the Thunder King they gave me while juicing up their own Jizukiru and Mithra the Thunder Vassal, which they for some reason played. It would had worked, had the RNG not given me double bloody Fiendish Chain first turn. Seriously I get so many doubles of cards in starting hands it was ridiculous. Anyways I kicked their ass the next turn.


Meanwhile in my corner, I have ran into like 50 otk gimmick decks and since I have 0 luck, I end up with no negates and no good monsters because I thought it would be a great idea to run d/d/d’s (easily my favorite deck of all time) in an event where the only fusion monster i can use is Oracle King D’arc and Doom King Purple Armageddon. I can say I have not only screwed up on the deck I chose, but just have stupid bad luck.

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  On 3/31/2022 at 1:47 PM, Kokoroshi_Games said:

Meanwhile in my corner, I have ran into like 50 otk gimmick decks and since I have 0 luck, I end up with no negates and no good monsters because I thought it would be a great idea to run d/d/d’s (easily my favorite deck of all time) in an event where the only fusion monster i can use is Oracle King D’arc and Doom King Purple Armageddon. I can say I have not only screwed up on the deck I chose, but just have stupid bad luck.


Yeah but like, getting N/R fragments is so easy you can try out multiple decks. I swear I've won so many duels off of people not understanding how Aria the Melodious Diva works. One time someone nuked one of their own backrow because they didn't understand what "cannot be targetted by card effects" means.

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  On 4/1/2022 at 2:21 AM, The Warden said:

Yeah but like, getting N/R fragments is so easy you can try out multiple decks. I swear I've won so many duels off of people not understanding how Aria the Melodious Diva works. One time someone nuked one of their own backrow because they didn't understand what "cannot be targetted by card effects" means.


True, but let’s be honest, people don’t read cards until after that card has screwed them over. 

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  On 4/1/2022 at 12:42 PM, Kokoroshi_Games said:

True, but let’s be honest, people don’t read cards until after that card has screwed them over. 


Yeah, I had my share of silly moments. Only today I forgot that the Malevolent Sin Summoned by using Right-Hand Shark was immune to battle. Still won that duel course. Hard to do much against Numbers 102 and 104 with backrow support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Jack and Yusei deck I could mess around with so it doesn’t completely die in the synchro festival, mostly because I don’t think regular old dark resonater or every warrior/stardust/junk monster i could fit in the extra deck is exactly going to be great against the Borreload synchro monster that I know is going to be used.

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I built a RDA deck in preparation for this event, and aside from the most massive brick ever vs the most bullshit lucksack ever from a 52 card Witchcrafter that somehow first turned That Grass AND Reasoning, I've had a decent time. Fought a kinda neat but kinda weak Face Knight deck focusing on Thunderspeed Summoning Obelisk or Slifer, which I kept negating with Abyss. They Sphere Moded by Chaos Ruler, HRDA Bane and HRDA Abyss... except thanks to Red Familiar I basically rebuilt my board and won lol. They didn't even have an Extra Deck either, so they kept being stuck with all 3 Face Knights and nothing to do with them.

Also faced a Stardust Synchron deck that surrendered after realising their field of tuners and 1 Doppelwarrior was useless considering they had expended all their non-tuner level 5 and 6 synchros that weren't Junk Warrior or Jet Warrior.


@Kokoroshi_Games: Borreload Savage Dragon is completely useless as anything more than a beatstick this event. You can't play Links and its entire effect revolves entirely around them.

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  On 4/11/2022 at 8:18 PM, Kokoroshi_Games said:

I have a Jack and Yusei deck I could mess around with so it doesn’t completely die in the synchro festival, mostly because I don’t think regular old dark resonater or every warrior/stardust/junk monster i could fit in the extra deck is exactly going to be great against the Borreload synchro monster that I know is going to be used.


I also have a deck like this, but I use Red Nova Dragon, Hot Red Dragon King Calamity, Exploding Dragon (the name is like this), and no Red Dragon Archfiend. I have many cards in the deck that by pass the requirement to synchro summon using red dragon archfiend. Also, I use Stardust warrior, Junk warrior, and the others in the starter deck with it. Finally, I have mostly synchron cards as my deck. (Also, I use Scrap-Iron Scarecrow and Scrap-Iron Statue)

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