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Elemental Hero Beat Down (Please Look I spent alot of money on Electrum)

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I know I suck at the card game but this is a new fun deck I thought of :

Elemental Exodia Heroes.

Using Bubbleman to draw my pieces.

Lol Wut ?

No I mean Zombie Exodia !!!!


Monsters - 22

-Exodia Pieces - 1 (5 alltogether)

Destiny Hero Malicious - 2

Destiny Hero Disk Commander -1

Elemental Hero Stratos - 1

Zombie Master - 3

Deep Diver - 2

Mystic Tomato - 3

Mezuki - 3

Destiny Hero - Fear Monger - 2


Spell - 17

Allure of Darkness - 2

Card of Safe Return - 3

Undead World - 3

Card Destruction - 1

Monster Reborn - 1

Foolish Burial - 2

Magical Mallet - 2

D-Draw - 2


Trap - 2

Limit Reverse - 2


It's obvious I do not own half of those cards but I want people to see how good of a deck maker I am.

Please rate out of 10 and tell me what to put in it.

I hope people like this.

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I'm no pro' date=' but maybe Limit Reverse would fit there?[/quote']


Not good sorry 3 limit reverses would make the deck better for disk engine. - PWWBs and Goblin Zombie and add 3 limit reverses


OMG I got one right. =O


I don't have any Phoenix Wing Wind Blasts.


I think you had them in your initial card list where Dimension Prison is now...

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