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Rescue Cat, Summon Priest and Rock n' Roll

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Rock n' Roll = Arms Hole.


Ripped and translated a deck list from an unofficial tournament held at Gamers Umeda, held on the 15th of this month.

Original info from Yugioh Frontier.


While DAD and Lightlords are still popular here, I'm seeing an increase in Synchro decks that use Summon Priest-Synchro and Rescue Cat-Synchro, and now seeing decks that combine these two Synchro engines with DAD (some IRL, mostly on DO).


The good thing is, these decks have 2 very expensive cards, Summon Priest and Arms Hole, meaning that lots of people IRL won't bother making it. But people aiming for high ratings will still use it, especially so since it's that time of year again when Konami picks representatives of Japan for the world tournaments.


So without further wait:


1st Place - Used by non, created by seventh

Monsters (24)

Dark Armed Dragon x 3

Gorz, Messenger of Hell

Cyber Dragon x 2

X-Saber Airbellun x 3


Summon Priest x 3

Rescue Cat x 3

Black Panther

Lightlord Hunter Raiko

Death Koala x 3

D-Hero Disk Guy

D.D. Crow x 2

Spells (15)

Pot of Avarice x 2

Arms Hole x 3

Heavy Storm

Cold Wave x 3

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Brain Control

United We Stand

Book of Moon x 2

Trap (1)

Crush Card Virus


Extra Deck


Mist Wurm

Red Demon's Dragon

Gigantech Fighter

Stardust Dragon

X-Saber Urbellum x 2

Goyou Guardian x 2

Broinac x 3

Magical Android

AOJ - Catastor


Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x 2



2nd Place - Used by Trista, made by Monochrome Boo

Monsters (22)

Dark Armed Dragon x 3

Cyber Dragon x 2

X-Saber Airbellun x 3


Summon Priest x 2

Rescue Cat x 3

Black Panther

Sea Koala

Lightlord Hunter Raiko

Death Koala x 2

Spirit Reaper

D.D. Crow x 2

Spells (11)

Pot of Avarice x 2

Arms Hole x 3

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade

Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Brain Control

Traps (7)

Crush Card Virus

Bottomless Trap Hole x 2

Dust Tornado x 2

Trap Dustshoot

Mind Crush


Extra Deck


Mist Wurm

Red Demon's Dragon

Mental Sphere Demon

Stardust Dragon

X-Saber Urbellum

Goyou Guardian x 2


Flambel Urkisas

Magical Android

AOJ - Catastor


Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x 2

Dragoon D-END

Gladial Beast Gyzarus


Comments by user: "Weak to Crow".



3rd Place - Used by Kurara, made by Kurara & sou

Monsters (20)

Dark Armed Dragon x 3

Gorz, Messenger of Hell

Cyber Dragon x 2

X-Saber Airbellun x 3


Rescue Cat x 3

Black Panther

Lightlord Hunter Raiko

Death Koala x 3

Spirit Reaper

D-Hero Disk Guy

Spells (14)

Pot of Avarice x 3

Arms Hole x 2

Foolish Burial x 2

Heavy Storm

Giant Trunade

Mystical Space Typhoon

Lightning Vortex

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Brain Control

Traps (6)

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Card Crush Virus

Dust Tornado

Limit Rebirth x 2


Extra Deck


Mist Wurm

Red Demon's Dragon

Mental Sphere Demon

Stardust Dragon x 2

X-Saber Urbellum

Goyou Guardian x 2

Broinac x 2

Magical Android

AOJ - Catastor


Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x 2

Gladial Beast Gyzarus


Comments by user: "Synchro, DArmed and sometimes dad. No, it wasn't me who was wrong! It was Summon Priest over there!"

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