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The Ultimate Contest! Now Starting!!

Lazer Yoshi

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There will be a contest. It will have 25 contestents. To enter, you must post a card of yours thats worth showing. Each week, 5 members will face off in a card contest. a topic will be given such as a DARK monster or spell related to spellcasters. For finishing in the top 10, you will recieve a rep. 3=1 reps, 2=2reps, and 1 equals 3 reps with 100 points. And just for entering, ummm. i will try to read all your posts, maybe.

To all,


Joined:ultimateryan,deswombat4ever,griffinsusername,jhuskey1701,God Hunter, Protoman527799, DK NOBOYUKI, speeddemonkage, Duelist9,Lalolalo,Dimension Lord,Zarbon69,Super-Vegeta,superbull, Spirit Of D.M.G.,tommers2008,Forced Simplicity,,death metal,The Virus,dragonkidskinner

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Effect:You must tribute at least 2 monsters to Summon this card. This card's ATK becomes equal to half of the tributed monsters' original ATK. Once per turn during your Main Phase, you may tribute one monster on your side of the field to activate one of the following effects depending on the ATK of the card:

500 ATK or less-destroy this card

1500 ATK or less-gain Life Points equal to the original ATK of the tributed card

2500 ATK or less-Draw 2 cards and if there is a monsters with an ATK of 1500 or less in your hand, Special Summon it.

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